10 Best Tips to Help Students Prepare for Their Careers.


Being worried about how to find a job after college is a usual thing. Yes, you have a degree, but there is no working experience. Or there is some, but it is not relevant enough for the career you want to pursue. Before starting your job search, learn the current employment situation among recent college graduates. And check out these best 10 tips for students who want to succeed in the job search!


  1. Talk to Alumni From Your Institution

Usually, former students of your college are expected to have already solved the puzzle of finding a job. It is better to get advice from people that had the same major as you because your career paths may cross or even turn out to be the same. Besides, they’ve already applied to several companies where you may consider sending your CV to as well. Plus, they must’ve had several job interviews too, so that they can give useful career advice for students.


  1. Don’t Look for a Perfect Job

There are no perfect jobs. Really. Face it. A tempting vacancy description may hook you, but getting a position is only the first level of your career adventure. Each week you are going to face new challenges. The staff and team leads may not be as friendly as you’ve expected. Or even worth, they may happen to be the hardest people to deal with. Your hopes and expectations may shatter to pieces. Be realistic – students career is nothing more, but experience.


  1. Money? What Money?

There is always a tiny chance that you’ll earn as much as you’ve counted for. But it is not humiliating to work as a trainee for no money or just a small compensation. After you’ve gained 3+ months experience, your next employer will offer you more. Remember that the salary is the equivalent of your skills and results. But at the beginning, it is better not to ask more than you really worth.


  1. Study the Application Requirements Thoroughly

Different fields vary in application requirements. Do you need a résumé, a cover letter, a writing sample or a portfolio? You also need to know the format requirements since inappropriately executed applications may not be even considered. For example, if you’re applying for a designer position, present your portfolio on special websites like Dribble or Behance. Also, focus only on your relevant experience for the position. The most common mistake that all newbie job-seekers make is mentioning their entire life path in the CV to impress the headhunters, which is rarely a good idea.


  1. Review and Update Your Application Materials

Find someone to proofread your CV, Cover Letter and Portfolio. This person should be a better editor than you are. Have your materials proofread each time you add any updates. Don’t know any quality editors? I have a solution for you, when i need assignment help online, I look for an online platform to find a good writer for hire. Usually, their services are really affordable and can fit a student budget.


  1. Activate Your Network

Don’t hide the fact that you’re looking for a job. The more people know about it, the better. Tell everyone about the type of job you are looking for. You never know where the help can come from.

There may be a father of your sister’s friend who’s looking for someone like you to join their team. Finding a future occupation through the networking is a very effective method of job search because employers trust recommendations more than the standard application process.  


  1. The Magic of Facebook

Create a post telling that you are open for offers. Write a concise text with bullet points about a kind of work you’re looking for and a short description of your skills & experiences. Add a catchy humorous picture and ask your close friends to like and comment it (so that the post appears at the top of the feed). There is a high probability that a person who knows your potential employer will contact you and make a job offer.


  1. Be Active During the Job Interview

If you’ve managed to land an interview, treat it as an opportunity to establish a professional relationship with the interviewer. Bear in mind that it is not an interrogation and you should ask questions as well. To succeed, study the information about the company and the position you’re applying for. Prepare the questions for your potential employer before the meeting. Engage with the interviewer, and don’t be shy to tell them what you know about the employer and share your expectations.


  1. Learn Essentials During the First Meeting

Feel free to ask anything concerning work conditions, salary and social package. The earlier you learn these details, the better. Ask about people with whom you will have to work in the department. It’s okay to ask about the way how the working process is organized. Ask about days off and the procedure of how to get a vacation. Some job candidates are too shy to ask this, but it is your right to know everything about the conditions you are going to work in.


  1. Don’t Stop Your Search

You may get tired after sending 3-4 CVs and not even getting a call. You may get frustrated after failing your first job interview. But that’s okay! Everybody goes through this. Sooner or later you will succeed and start your career. Just don’t start working from home, please. Even if you are desperate. Since this can end up in you being stuck at home forever, and are you sure this is what you want? Be mindful.


That’s it! Now you know what you need to do in order to find the job that suits best for an eager graduate like you are!