9 Tips to Help You Ace Your Job Interview

Going job hunting in the corporate world for the first time is quite an experience. We’ve had many stories related to us regarding job interviews, but ultimately it boils down to a couple of commonly shared experiences – nervousness, “what are your strengths and weaknesses?”, and facing a panel of interviewers in fancy suits.

Whatever the stories they may tell you to be, just know that your experience will definitely be different from that of others. Though we cannot specifically prepare you for any unprecedented circumstances, we can certainly tell you how to eliminate the chance of error on your part by following these few almost foolproof tips:

Prepare for all the Commonly Asked Questions

Okay, so this is probably something you are already doing without our help, but how many questions can you really prepare for on your own? It is highly likely that the perfect answers you have devised are actually extremely common to the ears of the interviewer.

Look up for good answers online or on job application guides if you must but make sure that you convey to the interviewer exactly what they want. One or two witty answers at a time are alright but don’t make it a habit to outsmart your interviewer. Also, don’t try to sound too confident since you might end up sounding cocky, and don’t be too dramatic either. Be honest and straightforward with them and we can assure you that they will be pleased.

Enlist All Questions that can Follow the Common Questions

Assume the role of the interviewer and the interviewee and make a list of all questions that you would ask if you were taking the interview. It helps to prepare for witty questions too but does not focus on those. For example, if you anticipate that the interviewer will ask about your strengths, it is also possible that he or she will want to know how you have utilized those strengths in your daily life or previous jobs.

Be Straightforward

As we have mentioned before, don’t try to outsmart your interviewer. Remember that they have been through the interviewing process many times and have definitely heard all the textbook answers to all questions.

The only new and unique knowledge to your interviewer is anything that pertains solely to you really. So just convey to them what they need to know about you. Try to use a few simple words to explain yourself since nobody likes a ramble

Be as Prepared as Possible

Knowledge is power and this statement certainly holds true here. You need to know as much as you can about the company. Do all your research with vigilance. Ask any of the company’s employees and ex-employees what the place is like.

Be as active as you can be on the social media. Look the company up on all websites. There is always Facebook there for you as the perfect consultant, but when we talk about businesses and other such companies, our minds immediately dart towards Linkedin. You may keep tabs on the company or start discussions about their employment opportunities.

Also, keep in mind that most companies do not skimp out on doing their own research on their potential employees. So they will probably get a hold of any information about you that is relevant to them like a detailed credit report, your credit score, your college GPA, previous jobs, etc. You may consult websites like AAA credit guide for this purpose.

The more you know about the company, the more you can impress your interviewers. This is actually a very brilliant tactic to gain their trust. When the interviewers talk about the company, you can chime in with your own two cents and you just might impress them. This is because your research will show off how responsible you are and how you will prove to be a dedicated employee in the future.

Conduct Mock Interviews

Mock interviews are life savers. They are undoubtedly the most beneficial tactic needed to survive an interview. The best way to conduct a mock interview is by asking the help of a friend and videotaping the whole tape.

You should never stuff those interview tapes away, instead, at the end of the day, go back to your home and rewatch them. I understand if they end up being a bit cringey, but it’s a small price to pay when it showcases all your behavioral patterns and such. You will then find it easier to get rid of any annoying habits that have formed over the course of time.  

Dress For Success

Your first impression can make or break you. So always remember to dress well for every interview. Not only must you wear a clean, pressed suit with a tie of contrast, you must also wear a fragrant deodorant and keep your shoes shining at all times.

Keep Your Behavior in Check

Your body language gives away a lot. And I mean a lot. So try to be in conscious control of the tiniest of actions you make. You might actively want to get rid of some habits to leave a good impression on the interviewers.

Do not ooze too much confidence and don’t show that you are overly eager as well. Sometimes people tend to get carried away with the questions they are asked and they delve right down into the dramatic stories of their lives and the most emotional bits and pieces. We are here to warn you to not do that because it could cost you everything.

Follow up with Style

Remember to go home and leave the company a nice, heartfelt email where you thank them for taking time out for you. It could be a small gesture but you never know if it’s the only thing the interviewer needed to finalize you as a potential employee.


Lastly, going into an interview while being too nervous is almost equal to suicide. You might want to engage in some typical relaxing exercises before the interview to keep your nerves in check. This includes eating chocolate, listening to music, exercising, or talking to a friend.

It is also very helpful to meditate for an hour or so just before the interview so that you have a clear head during the whole process.