Home Vs Town Jobs: The Pros and Cons

With today’s latest technology, working from home is gaining so much popularity. If you’re a job seeker, you may need to ask yourself if a home-based job can make you more productive and help you earn more income. However, if you love commuting every day and enjoy a corporate environment, then taking a town job may be a good option. No matter what your decision is, home and town jobs come with some advantages and disadvantages.

So, if you’re a bit confused about which option works best for you, here are a few things you need to weigh out before making a sound decision:

Home Jobs: Pros and Cons

Some people love the idea of working from the comfort of their homes, but there are some who also hate it. Thus, a home-based job may not be for everyone. If you think you can work better and earn more in your home, here are a few pros and cons to help you decide if working from home fits your needs:


  1. No need to commute – Unlike a town job, a home-based one doesn’t require you to have a long commute to and from your office. Also, there’s no need for you to wake up early in the morning so you can take the bus or the train’s first trip schedule. Remember, not dealing with daily commutes can save more time, money, and effort, thereby minimizing your stress levels daily.

If you want to avoid long commute time daily, several resource sites offer some of the best stay at home jobs, especially for moms.

  1. Enjoyment of comfort – Working from home means getting rid of your suits and ties. If you have a home-based job, there’s no need for you to wear corporate attires, put your makeup on, or do your hairstyle. Even if you’re wearing jumpers and joggers, you can work productively when you’re at home. If you feel cold, cover yourself with a blanket, and you can continue with what you’re doing.
  1. Reduced distractions – When you work from home, you can reduce distractions brought about by working with co-workers and other people in the office. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to hear office-based noise, then a home-based job may be a good option.
  1. Flexible working hours – If you’re working from home, you can more likely move at your own hours. Meaning, you can start working at the time when you feel energized and motivated. Not only that, but you can also do your personal stuff any time of the day.


  1. No human interaction – When you do home-based work, you may isolate yourself from the rest of the people around you. Having no face-to-face communication with other people can make it difficult for you to build relationships and develop trust.
  1. Difficult to separate private and business life – There’s no question that you both sleep and work at home. That said, you may have a hard time switching off from your personal life to your business life and vice versa.
  1. Less ad hoc learning – Unlike working in a corporate office, a home-based job prevents you from doing ad hoc learning. You’re not in a position to learn from your co-workers, and you may have to exert extra effort to find networking opportunities by yourself.

Town Jobs: Pros and Cons

Town jobs or working in an office environment where you can interact with your colleagues can also be a good setup. If you find working with other people face-to-face enjoyable, then a town job can be a great one. But if you love working on your own, then it’s the other way around.

Below are the pros and cons of working in an office:


  1. Knowledge and support from your colleagues and superiors – Working in a corporate office offers you motivation on how to advance your career the right way. If you’re around intelligent people, you can be motivated to perform better by gaining valuable knowledge and support from your co-workers and bosses.
  1. Learn to manage time – Another advantage of having a town job or working outside the comfort of your home is knowing how to manage time well. When you become part of an office, you have to follow timeframes for breaks, lunch, and working hours. In this kind of setup, you’ll learn how to organize your time and become more productive.
  1. Improve social network – Being in an office enhances your social network. It allows you to go out with your colleagues, catch up with one another, and have lunch with them during break time. All of these activities can make you more productive.


  1. Suffer long commute times – The biggest downside of having a town job is the long commute times you may have to deal with each working day. From traffic to wasted time, and congestion, all of these things are incredibly stressful, thereby affecting your ability to stay focused at work.
  1. Put a lot of strain on your eyes – Overworking in an office can harm your eyesight. This is by way of looking at the computer screen all day long strains your eyes in the long term.
  1. Deal with office politics – Whether you like it or not, working outside your home may force you to deal with office politics. If you don’t know how to adjust to the culture of your office and survive office politics, then you’ll end up working in a toxic and unhealthy environment. Too much toxicity or negativity can affect your mental health.


There you have it. These are the pros and cons of both home and town jobs. If you’re unsure about the kind of work setup that will meet your needs, use this article to help you weigh things out and make an informed decision about your working method.