Doing Homework with Kids is Easy! Useful Tips.

Calm, just calm!

It will be useful for parents, because it is they who will first organize the workplace, monitor the implementation of lessons. The ability to be focused, the ability to perform tasks – all this will come in time, not immediately. So get ready for a few steps:


  1. In the first stage parents do most of the tasks together with their child – sit next to them and watch the student very carefully: where are the gaps, at what moments they start to be distracted. Parents-assistants do not need to do the task for the child, you just need to be close.


  1. The next step is to start some of the work is to trust the child and not to control him/her. And we choose the part that he will definitely cope with.


  1. In the third stage, the child already does all the lessons himself, but from you should hear the willingness to come to help if necessary. You are there for him and will come if he calls!


  1. The fourth stage will begin in class in the fifth when the pupil will do everything himself, and he will not need any help from his parents, but it would be useful to ask WriteMyPaper4me for help. For working moms and dads it’s a holiday. But in the evening, check the lessons, and explain what remained incomprehensible.


Let’s try to praise

No, don’t lie! Don’t say, “Oh, what a smooth line!” if the line crawled two lines down. But you could say, “This one’s straight, good for you, and this one’s next time it’s gonna be just as straight, right?” You have to try to avoid negative grades so you don’t scare a touchy junior high school student. Try not to say, “It didn’t work! You couldn’t do it! That’s not good!” You better figure out why something’s not working out, and practice.


Well done – get the sun!

Buy a lot of different small stickers and on a draft put the kid flags, suns, flowers for the completed tasks. The child will see that the number of suns grows, the number of suns done increases, and the positive mood and willingness to work further increases too!



The schoolboy has just brought his hand to write “caw” instead of “cow”, and his mother already rushes into the attack screaming: “Wrong! Well, he ruined his notebook! Now I’m gonna have to grease it up, tear up the page!” The child is frightened, terrified throws away his pencil, and feels like the most unlucky loser.


Don’t be scared of mistakes. When a mistake is made, or even when a few mistakes are made, suggest that the student stop and take a close look at what he wrote. Let him try to find the mistake himself. To correct the wrong letter or number on paper is always possible, but to correct in the future low self-esteem and fear of something to take, because in childhood “puffed up”, will not be easy.


Does someone else help your kid?

It’s very important who does the afternoon classes with the children. If it is a professional, teacher, then be sure that the task will be all done, rewritten from draft to finish, and checked. At home, you will only have to do oral and creative tasks.


Do not be afraid to help!

If you see that your child is tired, do not make him blurt his eyes and get through the merging letters. It is better to read him a chapter or a paragraph yourself. If the child is not feeling well, help him with his lessons. If you see that there is still so much to do and there is very little time left before bed, take on routine work such as cutting out while he does his maths.