MBA Admissions Resume: Key Insights


Over 200,000 students are awarded their master of business administration (MBA) degrees each year. Most of the people who earn an MBA will go on to work in high-level management positions. If you are trying to earn an MBA, your first step needs to be getting into a prestigious business school. Most of the business schools with MBA programs require applicants to submit an admissions resume.

Since the educators in charge of these MBA programs see hundreds of admissions resumes each year, you need to find a way to make your resume stand out. If you are trying to make your admissions resume look more organized and professional, you can try ResumeBuild. With the tools on this website, you can easily optimize your admissions resume with ease. Read below to find out how to create an appealing and informative MBA admissions resume.

Work on Crafting an Engaging Personal Interests Section

Turning in an admission resume that is boring can cause problems. Ideally, you want to create an admission resume that is easy to read and informative. One of the first sections an educator will look at on your resume is the personal interests section. This section provides you with the ability to tell the admissions manager more about you and the hobbies you have.

When trying to craft a great personal interests section, you need to focus on listing hobbies and interests that are related to the industry you want to work in. Taking the time to list your volunteer work and other extra-curricular activities is crucial. With this information, you can show an admissions manager why you are the right fit for their MBA program.

Leave Technical Jargon Out of Your Admission Resume

Some people think that filling their admission resume with industry jargon is the best way to show their knowledge of the business. In reality, too much jargon can lead the reader to your admission resume feeling confused and unsure about what you bring to their program. This is why you need to focus on writing your admission resume in easy to understand language is such a good idea.

Allowing a friend or colleague to read your admission resume once you are finished with it is a good idea. With their input, you can easily fix any issues this resume has before turning it in.


Make Your Admission Resume Easy to Scan

Are you trying to make a good impression on the educator looking at your MBA admission resume? If so, you need to focus on making this document scannable. The best way to do this is by making use of things like subheadings, numbered lists and even bullet points. Breaking up large chunks of text will make your admission resume easy to read and follow.

Don’t Rush Through the Admission Resume Creation Process

One of the main mistakes most business students make is rushing through the MBA admission resume creation process. You need to take your time to ensure the document you turn in is both easy to understand and well-formatted.