Must-Do WordPress Hacks To Optimize Your Content Marketing Efforts

WordPress is definitely the premiere Content Management System (CMS) of our time. The WP platform has revolutionized a number of things, like how people connect content with others online, as well as making it very easy to launch an online business presence. But when it comes to marketing, there are still a few WordPress hacks business owners need to employ for optimal online success.

Why is pairing marketing with WP hacks important? For starters, nearly 30 percent of the websites on the internet are WordPress sites. That is pretty impressive. Another reason behind these hacks is the need to provide a powerful user experience. This has become a big time priority for web designers, SEOs, marketers, and developers.

From SEO Google tweaks to employing the power of WordPress plugins, the following WP hacks can serve as your quick guide to better content marketing efforts. Let’s dive in!

Make Search Engine Optimization Priority #1

One of the best content marketing strategies you can employ via your WordPress website is search engine optimization, also famously known as SEO. What does SEO have to do with content marketing? Everything!

For example, if your site is not optimized for best Google search ranking possible, your content will never reach your target audience. This is important to understand and leverage to your business’ advantage in order to beat your competitors online.

One of the best ways to pair SEO with your WP website is to use plugins for optimization, like Yoast or the All In One SEO Pack. These plugins can help you optimize your web pages and content marketing material. You can also create a WordPress plugin of your own to boost SEO and marketing efforts.

Get More Social With Your WordPress Website

Social media is still a very important content marketing asset. No matter what industry or niche you are in, you absolutely need to be making the most out of social media to increase your overall online visibility. This is a big time content marketing WP hack worth considering.

When it comes to social media and content, it is all about engagement and sharing. You want your target audience and social followers to interact with your content, whether it is a video or social post, and share it with their following online. WordPress tools like Quoteability can help with this.

Increasing those share and social media engagement can be a big win for raising more brand awareness for your business. WordPress and content marketing can do just that.

A/B Test Everything For Maximum ROI

Setting up and launching a WordPress website is not the end of it. As a business owner, you need to continually tweak your web pages and backend things until you are getting the results you envision for your business. This means A/B testing your content marketing strategies until you find the sweet spot.

You can also use heatmaps on your WordPress website to test your content marketing efforts on-page as well. For example, if you want to see how users are interacting with your site, platforms like Hotjar can show you the way.

Maybe you are wondering if that CTA button above the fold is generating the CTR you want. Using Hotjar heatmaps you can see where your audience is clicking and make tweaks accordingly.

Ensure You Are Delivering An

User experience is certainly a buzzword in today’s digital marketing space. In order to optimize your content marketing efforts, you need to be delivering a strong user experience via your WordPress website. One of the main factors behind that strong user experience is site speed.

Having a fast loading site is essential, and if you WP website fails to load in three seconds or less, especially on mobile devices, you will lose potential users to your competitors. This is a fact.

How do you know how fast your website and web pages are loading? By running various speed tests, like Google PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom. Once you learn more about page speed, you can learn more on how to improve it. This could be simply compressing image and video files on your site, or something more in-depth like streamlining the code on your website.

Either way, make page speed a priority and deliver a strong user experience that allows users to access and interact with your site and business with ease.

Wrapping Up . . .

There are a number of WordPress hacks that can improve your content marketing efforts tremendously. The above are just the tip of the iceberg, but a few of the most important hacks out there. What is your top WP hack for powerful content marketing?