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Tips on Writing a Great Career Goals Essay

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In general, essay writing is a challenging endeavor for most students. They require a person to sit down and translate thought to paper. They must then painstakingly trim the fat off their content to produce a piece of work that they can be proud of and one that can score a top mark. However, the pressure of writing an essay compound when faced with something like a career goals essay.

Usually, within college or university applications, a career goals essay gives the admissions department a deeper understanding as to what the applicant is seeking to do with their education.

Just like any other essay, writing about career goals can be a real nightmare for some students. However, just like any other essay, one can come up with a game plan to systematically break down the process and tackle it in small bite-sized chunks. Doing so allows the student to place a significant amount of focus on each argument and point in their essay. Remember that this kind of article is supposed to simultaneously present the reader (presumably from the admissions staff) with factual data about the student, but also compel the reader to learn more about the applicant and, in the end, to admit them to the program.

A good first step would be to define your goals. Don’t just state them all nonchalant as you would in an introduction, but go deep.  Your aims and intentions should be painfully clear to the reader. Providing this information in this manner takes the guess work away from the reader. They don’t have to “read between the lines” or “beat around the bush.” Be highly descriptive but don’t forget to state the actual goal.

As important as writing down the goals in a clear and concise manner, it can argue that the content of the real goals is equally (if not more) important. The goals themselves shouldn’t just make sense (this should be table stakes at this point), but they should have some impact. They should be meaningful and personal. They should inform but tug at the heartstrings of the reader at the same time. Finally, the applicant should be able to point as to how completing their goal would not only benefit them but the greater society in general. The writer should begin this portion of the essay by going narrow and focus first on them. That means explaining what their goals mean to them and how achieving them would then make a difference in their lives. It follows by an explanation of how the completion of their goals would also be for the greater good.  

This essay, like most things in life, should be multi-faced. There is the immediate task of informing the reader of your goals. However, the article can also serve to show the reader that you have the potential to not only execute on these goals but also have the ability to grow in several areas of your life en route to completing these aims. The student can write that they have “potential for growth,” or they can convey it more subtly. Using wordplay and wordsmithing, the applicant can project their potential to the reader.

The applicant should consider this goals essay as an introduction to one of the most important aspects of their future, and that is convincing someone else that they have the attitude and the aptitude to execute on their goals. The applicant cannot just state their targets and then submit their essay. No. They must also say how they will go about accomplishing their goals. Mind you that the folks over at the admission department do not want plans that written in stone. They know that plans, actions, and even goals have a habit of changing over time. What they do want is to see that the applicant has given the matter enough thought to have a plan in the first place. The school wants the student to show some initiative and forethought. They want a student that prepare.

Writing about goals is fun for some people because many students (especially at their age) have many things that they want to accomplish. The list can be long, and it is their duty to whittle that list down to goals that would be significant to the program they want to take. They must then transparently communicate these aims to people that they may never meet. On top of this, the applicant must show that they not only know what they want but also how to get them. All in all, writing an excellent custom essay about career goals need not be a hard endeavor, but it is also a task that should not be taken lightly, after all a student’s academic future may be at stake.  


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