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Career Counsellors / Experts in bhubaneshwar

Most Active Career Counsellors in Bhubaneshwar

Meet the top active Career Counselling Experts of Bhubaneshwar of CareerGuide for the last 30 days. This section is refreshed everyday taking the activity of last 30 days. You can connect with any of the Career Counsellors by just clicking on the “Ask” button.

Most Reviewed Career Counsellors in Bhubaneshwar

Meet the most reviewed Career Experts of Bhubaneshwar of CareerGuide. This section is based on all time rating provided by students. This list displays Career Guidance Counsellors who are most popular in their category and has received the most number of reviews till date. Check out the student’s reviews to get the best Career Counselling.

All Career Counsellors in Bhubaneshwar

"Are you looking for Career Counselling Experts of Bhubaneshwar?

Connect instantly to 1105+ experts for best Career Counselling in Bhubaneshwar which enables you to make the right Career choices. Our Career Experts can help you make the perfect career plan depending on your area of interest. Our unbiased Career Advice service can help you take the right career decisions. We provide complete career planning, college planning guidance & complete Study Abroad counselling too. You can connect to any of our Career Guidance Counsellors in Bhubaneshwar and get your career question answered instantly.

Find the list of 1105+ Career Counselling Experts of Bhubaneshwar here:

Amit Jha

Career Advisor at CL Educate Ltd

1. Market research through industry contacts, publications, trade events, news to identify ideas for growth 2. Reach out directly or through partners to target prospective business deals 3. Negotiation to close the deal and draw in resources from within the company to make it happen 4. keep upgrading your business development techniques, and help in enhancing the company knowledge base by participating in training and educational initiatives 5. Building the brand of the company in the industry, vendor and customer community. 6. To encourage an innovative and entrepreneurial culture within the School and across the Alliance. 7. Local mapping of target audience and developing the plan of action accordingly. Identification and penetration of new market segments for attainment of targets with a view to optimize revenue and taking care of PR and branding activities.

Engineering & TechnologyBiotechnologistHumanistic StudiesCareer counselorManagement & MarketingView more »

Ajay Khatua

Mentor I Soft-skill Trainer ICareer Development Specialist

An astute professional with experience of 11 years in Education &Training, Administration and Client Relationship Management in diversified business. "Passionate about Human Resource Development, Mentoring and Training " Specialties: Educational Leadership, HR Administration, Process Improvement and Training. Responsible for a large gamut of Training and Teaching .Handling organizational infrastructure through Organizational Capability Assessment, Strategic HR Management and Service Management. My objective is to be a part of the organization where growth is the focal point and to obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background and ability to work well with people.

Education / Skill DevelopmentSpecial EducatorsEngineering & TechnologyBanking / Insurance & FinanceHumanistic StudiesView more »

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