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Career Counsellors / Experts in meerut

Most Active Career Counsellors in Meerut

Meet the top active Career Guidance Counsellors of Meerut of CareerGuide for the last 30 days. This section is refreshed everyday taking the activity of last 30 days. You can connect with any of the Career Guidance Counsellors by just clicking on the “Ask” button.

Most Reviewed Career Counsellors in Meerut

Meet the most reviewed Career Experts of Meerut of CareerGuide. This section is based on all time rating provided by students. This list displays Career Guidance Counsellors who are most popular in their category and has received the most number of reviews till date. Check out the student’s reviews to get the best Career Counselling.

All Career Counsellors in Meerut

"Are you looking for Career Experts of Meerut?

Connect instantly to 1105+ experts for best Career Counselling in Meerut which enables you to take the right career decisions. Our Career Guidance Counsellors can help you make the perfect career plan depending on your area of interest. Our unbiased Career Advice service can help you make the right Career choices. We provide complete career planning, college planning guidance & complete Study Abroad counselling too. You can connect to any of our Career Counselling Experts in Meerut and get your career question answered instantly.

Find the list of 1105+ Career Counselling Experts of Meerut here:

Hardeep Deshwal

Counsellor & Life Coach

“If you love your job you will love your life” Hardeep Deshwal is a passionate teacher, counsellor and life Coach. He started his career at early stage of life at the age of 18 years and worked in multiple sectors of Government and private organizations as instructor, trainer, teacher and educator. The depth of his work comes from his own personal experiences as his career has spanned six different industries which includes defense, marketing, finance, real estate, education and HR .Hardeep Deshwal holds Master Degree in Mathematics & Educational Psychology from CCS University .He completed his Post graduation Diploma in Business Administration specialized in Human Resource Development from SCDL Pune and PG Diploma In Guidance and Counselling from NCERT (New Delhi).Apart from these academic degrees he has attended many workshop and certificate courses on life Skills training and positive living. He has developed an effective programm based on psychology to improve achievement in Mathematics for High School Students. Hardeep Deshwal has always been genuinely interested in Goals and aspirations of those who come to him for counselling and mentoring. He is passionate about helping them and achieve their goals and aspirations. As a counsellor he works towards effective and practical solutions .He is able to resolve conflicts in most of the personal social challenges in life. Hardeep Deshwal is associated with many educational institutes in helping students bring out the best from them in terms of academic achievement. His mission in life is to put all his God given talents and the knowledge for the improvement of the society and help you to achieve what you deserve in your life.

AgricultureScience & ResearchMathematicianDefense & MilitaryAir Force Related CareersView more »

Nidhi Sharma

School Psychologist

Ms. Nidhi is a Ph.D in Home Science (Human Development). She specializes in Human Development and Child Psychology ,she had been working with school kids for more than 8 years now .She had Organized several National Workshops like “The Role of Applied Science in Community Development” 13th April, 2013, “ Emotional health & Wellness in Women” 24th April, 2014 etc. Her publication is name as Sharma. N. 2013. Effect of parent child relationship on ADHD children. Psycho Lingua (Communicated)

Education / Skill DevelopmentView more »

Vivek Kumar

Counselor / Subject Matter Expert in Microbiology

Dr. Vivek is a PhD in Microbiology. He had been into academics for more than 16 years now. He had also studied PG Diploma in Environmental Management system and an Advanced Diploma in Risk and Safety Management. He had worked as a microbiologist and research associated. Currently he is working as a professor in Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University Noida and is a subject matter expert in same. He had been Awarded ‘Young Scientist Award’ for the year 2002 in Agricultural Microbiology by the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), Recipient of Senior Research Fellowship awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India for Ph.D. program.

AgricultureEnvironmental scientistAgriculture & Allied FieldsBiological ScientistScience & ResearchView more »

Jog Dhyan Sharma

Founder director at Career Guru

Mr. Jog Dhayan is a founder director of career guru after pursuing his diploma in Guidance and Counseling, Career Counseling he decide to pursue his inters to be resourcefully active in the field of education management. He had worked as an educational instructor and counselor at Army Education Corps Through his venture he is committed to provide counseling solution to different age group.

Humanistic StudiesView more »

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