Small lifestyle changes to Minimize Morning Anxiety

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Many people with an disturbance arouse feeling so worried and stuffed with dread that they only want to twist up under the covers and not face the day ahead. Try to not get discouraged, as there are a number of how to reduce morning anxiety and rouse excited to begin the new day.

Tips for Reducing Morning Anxiety

Try these  strategies for reducing and managing anxiety once you awaken and approach your morning:

Morning Anxiety

Consider Your Sleep Habits

Getting proper sleep is extremely important for your mental and physical health. In fact, sleep problems like difficulties falling asleep and/or staying asleep are known to cause a spread of psychological and physical complaints. These include headaches, decreased energy, poor concentration, STM problems, irritability, and anxiety.

Some healthy sleep habits to think about adopting include:

  1. Avoid stimulating activities two to 3 hours before bedtime (for example, watching TV, performing on your computer, exercising vigorously, and drinking caffeine).
  2. Engage in a relaxing activity before bedtime like curling up with an honest book or getting a back rub from your partner.
  3. Go to bed at the identical time nightly and get up at the identical time daily, including weekends.
  4. Keep your bedroom cold and dark .
  5. Use your bed just for sleep .
  6. Consider journaling or doing a “brain dump” before bed to induce any thoughts or worries onto paper so that they don’t interfere with falling or staying asleep.
  7. If you discover you’re unable to sleep well despite practicing good sleep hygiene, talk together with your doctor.
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Examine Morning Stressors

  • There could also be parts of your morning routine that are anxiety-provoking, like an alarm that jolts you awake and sends a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. If that is the case, consider changing your alarm to at least one that wakes you with soothing music.
  • Your a.m. anxiety may additionally be worsened by the long list of tasks you would like to finish. To avoid feeling frenzied, give yourself lots of time within the morning (hitting the snooze button, which may throw off your sleep cycles and your schedule, may be a no-no) and complete some chores the evening before (for instance, packing lunches or preparing clothes).
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  • Do Relaxation Exercises: Starting your day relaxed and focused can provide a way of emotional balance that carries you thru your day. Some techniques to do include:
  1. Deep breathing: Shallow breathing can upset your body’s natural oxygen, Breathing properly can help make sure that your blood is being properly oxygenated.
  2. Guided imagery: Through visualization, you utilize your imagination to picture yourself during a more calming and serene environment, like at a beach or during a flower-covered meadow.
  3. Journaling: Journal writing is that the act of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions regarding your life events. When used as a coping technique, journaling will be a helpful thanks to explore your fears, manage your stress, and enhance your personal well-being.
  4. Meditation: Mindfulness meditation may be a mental training practice that involves focusing your mind on your experiences (like your own emotions, thoughts, and sensations) within the day.
  5. Progressive muscle relaxation: this easy technique involves tensing and relaxing all of your body’s major muscles so as from your head to your feet.
  • Consider Your Diet: Research suggests a link between diet and anxiety. What you eat has the potential to either trigger or ease anxiety. Research published in 2016 revealed that folks with mood disorders, like generalized anxiety , tend to possess poor diets—that is, ones that are low in fruits, vegetables, and protein, and high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates.

    Try changing your diet to  that’s balanced in protein, omega-3 fats (found in fatty fish), and fruits and vegetables. Choosing low-glycemic index carbs at each meal will help avoid glucose spikes and dips which will contribute to symptoms of anxiety. While the science continues to be not robust on this theory, it certainly is also worth a try.

    Lastly, when it involves diet, do not forget the role of caffeine, a typical and well-known anxiety-producing culprit. whether or not caffeine isn’t causing your morning anxiety, it is a powerful stimulant that may fuel anxiety in an exceedingly few people—so consider eliminating or a minimum of restraining on coffee and tea to determine if your symptoms improve.

by Shinjini Chatterjee

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