Anxiety, Stress and Pressure are very common among students who are in process of applying abroad, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t let the anxiety and fear stop you from fulfilling your dreams, do not let them be an hindrance in your goals, rather let them help you to push forward and work harder in order to achieve your desired goal or your desired destination. There is Nothing that cannot be done or achieved, since you are more than capable to achieve it.

All you have to handle is the pressure correcting since applying for universities abroad is a tedious task and a time consuming process. Here are some tips on how you can keep yourself calm, maintain your composure and beat that pressure in your head!

  1. Stay Organized : The first and most important step is to have a clear idea and mindset about what you want to study, the degree you want to specialize in, the country you want to apply in. When you are certain about these two things, you need to start short listing universities. If only these three main tasks are done prior to the beginning of the application procedure it will help you from avoiding the stress that will later mountain you when the applications start.
  2. Start Early, Stay Ahead : Set aside one or two hours from your everyday activities and devote time to the various aspects of your application, like Personal Statements, Essays, and other aspects to boost your application. Try breakdown such work in manageable chucks so that it is easy to achieve these short term goals on time.
  3. Continue to follow your passion : Applying abroad is the most time consuming process that does not mean that you stop doing things you love to do, or compromise on your passions, hobbies or other activities. It is important for you to keep doing all that you love to do and engage in social activities or sports activities to help maintain a healthy physical and mental exercise.
  4. Stress for Competitive Exams : Yes it is always difficult to ignore the stress that clings due to exams you need to clear like GRE, SAT, GMAT, ILETS or TOFEL. The pressure is not only to clear these exams but also to score good. It is always better to plan early and start studying daily in order to avoid the exam pressure latter.
  5. Prioritize Time : Give most of your time in researching about the course you want to study its career prospects, how it will help you in the future, about the university and the place it is situated in, it is very important to research extensively about the place you would be living so that later you don’t have any adjustment issues.
  6. Always take advice : It is always better to take advice with your parents, friends, your relatives or a counselor who can guide you smoothly through this entire process without any rush.

Take a deep breathe! : It is every important for you to maintain your clam, since there are many hurdles to this process which cannot be attained through anxiety but it can differently be achieved through keeping cool and peace.