Get out of your rut with these three new career options

Your career is on shaky ground. Really shaky. We’re talking San Andreas fault in the middle of an earthquake shaky. Your boss looks at you like you’re a piece of furniture they’d like to chuck in a skip. Your workload is growing lighter every day, until you’re spending most of your afternoon refreshing Facebook and pretending you’re working.

And while all this is manageable, one factor of your job is pushing your mental wellbeing off a cliff edge – you really can’t stand the work you do.

We’ve all been in this situation before. Many of us accept our ruts, continue on the career path we feel we’re stuck with and muddle on through the day until our employer either cuts us loose or our fortunes are magically boosted.

But you don’t necessarily want to hang around. So it’s time to be proactive and head in a completely new direction.

To give you a helping hand, we’ve found a few growing industries that could be worth trying your luck in. Take a look at our suggestions and see if anything takes your fancy.


Career in Fire Protection

Fires never get safer, which is why the fire safety is still a booming industry.

As warehouses realise the value of exemplary fire safety, companies such as Durasteel (an expert fire protection company) are enjoying major profits.

Whether you feel comfortable in the construction of fire protection goods or the selling of them, this great industry could be perfect for you.

Career in Gig Work

The UK is increasingly growing into a ‘gig economy’, one that embraces the idea of “a labour market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, as opposed to permanent jobs”.

In many instances, this has led to employee disputes, and there’s no question that it doesn’t provide even a shred of job security.

But if you’re sick of a standard nine-to-five job, the gig economy could benefit you. Before you make this jump, research your options thoroughly. No one wants to break into the gig economy only to find it’s not ideal for them.

Career in Virtual Reality

Virtual reality devices like the Oculus Rift (a product so popular that it was referenced in a Father John Misty song) have become the hottest pieces of tech in the world – and jumping on the bandwagon wouldn’t hurt your finances.

Developing these devices is out of the question unless you’ve got a few billion pounds in the bank, but you can get in on the ground floor by becoming a product tester at one of the many VR companies around the world.

This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a technological advance that could change the world forever. Sound pretty exciting, right?

If you can think of any other burgeoning industries to break into, let us know in the comments below.




Author Bio:

Vineet Maheshwari is a passionate blogger and relationship oriented digital marketing consultant with over 10 years of experience in SEO, PPC management, web analytics, domain investing, affiliate marketing and digital strategy. He is also the writer of which give information of all latest mobile.