The Importance of Education

Education is not the be all and end all of our lives, but it certainly makes progressing with a career of your choice easier. Some youngsters dream of becoming an actor, a ballet dancer, or getting into the music industry. These are notoriously hard professions to become successful in, and the sensible students still pursue their education first, so they have something to fall back on if their first record does not reach number one in the charts or their first film flops.

Rappers with College Degrees

Rappers are very popular with the younger generation in particular, and if they are successful they will not need to take on other work. To cover themselves in case the public don’t take to them though, here are just some of the rappers with college degrees:

Rappers are not the only ones to realize the importance of education though. There are many others in the entertainment world that made sure they had qualifications before setting out on their chosen career.


Other Brainy Entertainers

Mayim Bialik is most famous for her role as a brainy scientist in The Big Bang Theory, but she really is as brainy as she portrays. She completed a triple major for her undergrad degree, and then went on to earn a Ph.D. in neuroscience. Wladimir Klitschko is known as a big hunk of a boxer, but he also has a doctorate in sports science and speaks three languages. Gerard Butler has a law degree, Brian May has a Ph.D. in astrophysics, and so the list goes on.

The whole point is that they have covered the chance that they are not successful as entertainers, so they know they will still be able to earn their living in another way.

It’s More Than Entertainers That Need Education

It’s not everyone’s dream to be famous, but for many occupations if you want to progress up the ladder, you will need some sort of qualification. There are jobs you can do with your high school diploma, and then do more training and courses while you work.  Even doing this is a form of education and any qualifications earned can be taken with you to other jobs if you want to move on.  If you want to pursue higher education but have to deal with other responsibilities, you can always opt to take up online learning. With degrees like a masters in communication, available online, you’ll be better equipped in your career and prospective future.

Education is part of everyday life even if you do not realize you are learning. On the job training, being taught how to deal with people, or being trained on how to use a particular piece of equipment is educating you without you even thinking about it.

From when you are born till the day you die you never stop learning, but a formal qualification can definitely help you during your working life.