What are the perks that you need in any career?

In today’s competitive world, when we think of careers, we generally think of the scope of the career. By scope, we look for the salary, comforts, international travelling options and similar materialistic benefits. There have been enough discussions among the career counsellors that what are actually the perks in any career option. This has led to a rethinking by many big corporates such as Google and Apple, where the companies try to retain the employees not only by providing them with a good salary, but something in addition which they might not be able to find in other companies. For example, Google provides free salon services to its employees, Apple gives discounts to its employees on Apple products. So, what is the idea behind these initiatives? Definitely, it is not fulfilling the needs of the employees rather it is providing a healthy environment to the employees which make them happy to work in the company.

There are some similar perks that a student or a working professional needs to identify in order to continue working on its selected career option. Although salary matters a lot in any career option, but it is not the sole purpose of working.

Healthy living

Working for 12-14 hours a day can be boastful but never healthy. You may like your work and love to keep working on it for the whole day but if your career option does not give an option for you to remain healthy and maintain a work-life balance, then it is not a suitable option for you. You be working during the day or nights, but what matters is, whether you get to follow a proper healthy routine or does the whole career thing only makes you exhausted. There are people who can work for long hours but others need to take rest in between. One should choose the career according to their own aspirations. If you are not able to work for long hours, one should not exhaust themselves. Also, if a person is able to work for 12-14 hours, then a career with fewer working hours will be frustrating for him.

The whole meaning to this is that healthy living is a great perk in any career. If your career can provide you with a sense of healthy living, then you can continue giving your best shot without degrading your skills.

Continuous Learning

Whatever career you opt for, if there is no continuous learning in that, you are bound to get bored of the idea of that career. It has been researched that having a career with continuous learning keeps the excitement of the career intact and helps the professionals grow beyond their limits. Our team met a school teacher who had been teaching for more than 10 years. However, she felt that she has not been learning anything new in the field of her teaching. She had been teaching the same things for years and even her high salary could not stop her in changing her field in order to gain personal satisfaction.

Whenever you choose a career, you need to ask whether this is the career that will provide you perks of having satisfaction by continuous learning all along.


One of the biggest perks a career can provide you is self-respect of working in that field. We all have some dreams since our childhood. Some get fulfilled and others we forgot through the journey of our lives. When we choose a career, we need to think several times, is this the career that will raise me in my own eyes? It does not matter whether your friends or relatives are happy with your decision, but what matters most is whether you find yourself in a good position after selecting the career. If you have inhibitions, then you will never be able to enjoy satisfaction from the chosen career. You need to give yourself respect for your decision and this can be the biggest perk to you for selecting the career.

The above three pointers that we consider as the real perks are not difficult to find in any career. However, these depend upon the personality traits of the student that in which career option he finds these. Having the above perks, he can find satisfaction and content in his career life which supports him to keep giving his best throughout his career life.

We suggest all the school-going students to not take decisions based only on the psychometric tests but talk to a professional career counselling in 1:1 sessions. This can be a good guiding session to the student to find out whether his aspirations and aims meet the outcomes of the career option suggested by the tests.

Only a sound decision can help him gain perks for the whole lifetime!

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