How To Improve the Employee Experience in 2018

Unemployment rates have dropped, and there’s been a shift in recent years away from the concept that the employer is the one in the driver’s seat. In order for businesses to remain competitive and retain the talent they need, they’re going to have to focus extensively on the employee experience.

The employee experience is something that’s a bit different than let’s say, employee engagement.

The employee experience is often referred to as EX, and it’s become a big topic of conversation for employers, corporations and human resources professionals in recent years.

Employee experience is about all of the interactions and day to day experiences of the employee and a necessary objective for businesses is understanding the value of the employee and relating this to their initiatives to improve their experience as a result.

The following are some ways companies can work to improve the employee experience in 2018.


Tools and Technology

One of the best things employers can do in the new year with regard to an improved employee experience is giving them the right tools and technology to help them do their job more effectively and more conveniently.

Just one example of this is accounts payable automation, but there are so many other ways employers can improve the day-to-day lives of employees with advanced but also user-friendly technology.

Reevaluate Processes

Some large-scale companies are putting so much emphasis on the importance of the employee experience that they’re working to revamp all aspects of processes within their organization.

They’re even going so far as putting experience architects in place, which were at one point people who were designated as process developers.

You may not go outside of the organization and hire an experience architect, but what you can do is designate someone who’s a top leader in the company to take charge of initiatives related to improving the employee experience.

One of the biggest obstacles in terms of the employee experience is the complexity and bureaucracy that have taken over so many organizations, and by utilizing experience architects or re-evaluating current processes and where they can be improved and simplified, you’re going to improve the employee experience ultimately.

Make Work Meaningful

Along with reevaluating processes within an organization, make 2018 the year you strive to add more meaning to the work of employees.

Don’t have them doing things just for the sake of doing them. Instead, ensure that key talent is engaged because they’re working on things that do have a true purpose and are part of the overall strategic objectives of the organization.

Give them the opportunity to think creatively and communicate their thoughts in an open, transparent environment as well.

Finally, think about how much focus you company likely puts on the customer experience, whether it be excellent customer service or a holistic, unified experience across touchpoints. Think about ways you can implement these into the lives of your employees as well, and build your employer brand just as you do your customer brand.