Shivananda Koteshwar believes Career Guidance helps to put parents and child on the same page which enables them to work together

“Become an expert in the chosen area, as your words define somebody else’s future. You have to research enough and have good experience before you counsel someone”

-by Shivananda Koteshwar – On being a career counsellor

Shivananda Koteshwar (Shivoo) currently serving as Director at Mediatek. He took a break from the semiconductor industry for 2 years and setup the India’s first college preparatory co-educational residential K12 school, “The Amaatra Academy”. Shivoo was the Founding Director of the school and also worked as a full-time Professor in E&C Department in PES Institute of Technology (PESIT). He speaks about his career and career counselling in an interview with Amarjeet.

Amarjeet Sharma (AS): Please brief us about your Educational background.

Shivoo: I’m Masters in Science (VLSI) and Advanced Management Program in IIM Bangalore and Presently doing dual PhD in Management in Bangalore University and in VLSI in VTU 

AS: What has your time as a Career Counsellor meant to you personally and why?

Shivoo:  It’s a very fulfilling feeling to know that somebody somewhere is positively influenced with a small amount of time I spend.

AS: How did you get into Career Counselling? What interested you into Career Counselling?

Shivoo: I always been connected to Educational initiatives and projects while working. With more than 20 years of work experience in Semiconductor Industry, I have more than 15 years of educational experience in Teaching, Career Counselling, Research Assistant etc.

AS: Which tools do you use for guiding careers?

Shivoo: Usually face to face meetings and telephone

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AS: Why do you think it’s important for students and parents to undergo Career Counselling together?

Shivoo: I strongly believe it’s important to go through this together. It gives an opportunity for students to understand parent’s constraints and gives an opportunity for parents to understand their childs aspiration and goals. It puts them on the same page and this enables them to work together to make it happen.

AS: What are the top 3-5 skills you should have to become an effective Career Counsellor?

Shivoo: Domain Expertise (Appropriate background/experience), Empathy and a good listener/communicator.

AS: What is your advice for newbies, who are looking at building a career in Career Counselling industry?

Shivoo: Become an expert in the chosen area as your words define somebody else’s future. You have to research enough and have good experience before you counsel someone.

Be ready to change your views when you meet people. Though they might not have experience, their point of view sometimes is more valid than what you might have built as perception over the years. Be a life long learner

AS: There are many new career options that have come up over the last decade which was not heard of before, how do you stay updated on the latest trends in Career?

Shivoo:  Read , talk to students and start ups, Take courses online , Watch videos on various channels.

AS: Which are the Career Information resources (i.e. newsletters/ blogs/ websites/ apps) you visit regularly?

Shivoo: Nothing in specific. I browse through almost all the relevant pages/websites.

AS: Would you like to share few words/suggestions about the work we are doing at CareerGuide?

Shivoo: It’s a great initiative and I am sure many students/parents are benefited by your service. Career Counselling is yet to catch up in India. Students, young adults need to be educated about the enormous benefits counselling can offer.

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