Seven Steps to Smoothly Make Your Career Transition

People face changes often in their life. Change is something which is sometimes necessary and sometimes inevitable. We often find in our professional journey that we are stuck in a job that we have no idea why we are doing it or that it is not just for us. So, what should we do in such a situation? There are two ways it can go:

  • You can either find a new career
  • You can be in the same job and regret

These feelings may come anytime and it does not depend if you are earning good, getting easy promotions or huge benefits. It is all about job satisfaction and if you do not get it, it will start eating your happiness from the inside. If you are wondering how you can make a career change, then the following steps are going to help you as a guide.

Step 1: Understand your position and your interests

Before jumping into a conclusion you need to assess your situation and position in the current job. Just because you had a bad day in the office, you cannot lose interest in your current job profile. It should be a gradual understanding of what the position offered you in your career development and how it is going to work out in the future.

Only after knowing your true interests and getting a complete analysis of your position, you can really understand if a move to a new career option is viable for you or not. It is not a temporary thing. Once you transition to a new career, it will be a career gap if you want to go back to what you were doing.

Step 2: Are you ready to make a transition?

Next step is your self-realisation. Sometimes it may happen that to make a career transition you may even have to take a pay cut. If you have a family who depends on you or your lifestyle might get affected, will you still take the pay cut? Do you really think that in a few years you can make a better impact on the new career? There are a lot of questions that are inside your mind like these. You need to clear those and make your transition guilt-free and devoid of any obstacles.

Step3: Make a roadmap reach your next career destination

Just jumping into a new career is not a good idea. Make a roadmap of what your career destination that you want to reach after five years and how you are going to reach it. Planning is the key to making a good decision and for a successful career transition, you will need to make a lot of plans.

Step 4: Get the required skills or try transferring them

Skills are the main ingredients that are going to decide how your future turns out to be in the new career field. If you want to be successful in a new field of work, either you must have all the requisite skills or get it before moving. Some skills are also transferable and if you think your current skills can be utilised in the new area of work, then you definitely have an advantage.

Step 5: Spread your networking webs

Networking – you will often come across this term when it comes to professional life. It is the best way to get a better idea of the career field you want to transition and also it will help you to know about good opportunities. If you are looking to make a move to a new career profile, you should start networking with professionals from the same profile you are looking.

Step 6: Revamp your Resume

If you are trying to use the same old resume, please refrain! Resumes speak a lot about the candidate and they are the first introduction of your professional life. Do not screw it up in the first step of the transition process.

Step 7: Start applying

You won’t get opportunities just waiting and doing nothing. You will need to proactively apply for those positions. You can use the various top job portals there are or you can apply directly through the career section present on the company’s website. Interview calls will start coming when you start applying for the jobs.

The Bottom Line

These steps will help you in moving away from that boring job that you are enduring and make a jump to a new career which will provide both satisfaction and success. Career change can mean anything, whether you are looking to break from the 9-t0-5 trap to government jobs in India or moving from the monotony of a government job to a challenging career opportunity. Whatever change you want, it will all depend on your determination and dedication. Best of Luck!

Author Bio

Hasib is a professional writer working with one of prominent job portals in India – As a career coach, he helps people in their professional development. He is an avid reader and lives for two things – football and food. If he is not involved in any of those, you can find him contemplating existential issues.