In a fix about ideal career? Go with psychometric tests

Choosing an ideal career becomes a hob job when it comes to a discrepancy between various job offers. Maybe you think that this one is the right job for you, but actually, another one will prove a perfect job fit. While having a fix in that situation, take a deep breath, stay calm, think deeply, and take a few minutes to go through the psychometric tests . These assessments will help to identify your personality and see in which directions you could point yourself in and then take decision according to your job profile.

Amanda Andino, a recruiting trainer (Fortune 500 company) said, “It’s hard for people to choose a career because they can tend to focus on money instead of the job itself.”

Psychometric tests:

Psychometric tests are about testing your skills, getting an idea about the type of your personality, cognitive abilities and knowing about your ambitions and aspirations in a fast and easy way. It includes various types of tests which will set the level of difficulty and then interpret your scores to check the best-suited job option for you. These tests are taken to assess the ability of aspirants by the employers. They are taken like an exam in which you have to answer a few numerical and verbal reasoning exercises. Here, we are discussing the types of psychometric tests:

Personality tests:  Personality tests are taken by the managers and recruiters to judge one’s hidden behavior and working style which might not be clear while having a face to face talk during an interview. These tests are taken in a standard and scientific manner so that no doubts are left behind related to one’s personality. You can also go for some online personality tests to judge yourself by your own with no time-limits. These tests will help in judging whether you are interested in working in a team or individually, you can take initiatives or will follow others to get success.

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.”  


Typo tests: According to typo theory, Carl Jung a psychiatrist suggests that all human beings have predisposed natural behavior. It can be easily predicted and classified in various ways. If you talk to someone then you can understand his motives, thinking and behavior. You can easily come to know about his likes and dislikes, friendly or unfriendly behavior, compatibility with others, lazy or crazy with work and much more. All such things can differentiate individual characters.

Aptitude psychometric tests:

Aptitude tests are designed to know about aspirants working ability. It is a time-based test which helps in identifying that how many candidates can give the right answer for the question and how frequent he is in answering it. It helps in measuring the cognitive capacity related to a job. The time duration is kept only in seconds so that only a few candidates can reply it. Aptitude tests include verbal, numerical, spatial and mechanical reasonings for identifying various skills related to various career options.

  • Verbal reasoning test is used to measure whether the candidate is suitable for the job or not and how much potential he has to deal with the various challenges while working in the company.
  • Numerical reasoning test is conducted by the employers to interpret how efficient the candidate is to make presentations which include numerical data, tables, patterns, and graphs.
  • Spatial reasoning tests are conducted to know about how effectively you can manipulate the things. This test is designed to know about one’s problem-solving skills.
  • Mechanical reasoning tests are for knowing about the hidden capability to handle mechanical problems. These tests are commonly used in engineering and technical jobs.

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Conceptual reasoning tests:

Conceptual reasoning tests are the part of abstract aptitude psychometric tests. These tests are designed to identify lateral thinking skills and one’s intelligence. It measures that how fast one can identify that pattern, rules, relationships and trends of the market and get information and use it to solve problems. This test will identify thinking capability about making strategies for the growth of business after judging all its possibilities and amendments.

Inductive reasoning psychometric tests:

These tests are conducted for measuring that how flexible a candidate can work with the problems he is not aware of. This test includes various missing shapes and patterns, one has to find out the missing shape from the various options. It will demonstrate analytical and conceptual thinking of the aspirant.

Logical reasoning tests:

Logical reasoning is also a type of psychometric test which is designed to know that how a candidate can get conclusions based on various arguments and identify the strength and weakness of the problem and how perfectly one can do feasible efforts for solving the issue. These tests include shapes and objects in a given series. A candidate has to find the missing objects. This test is easy at the beginning but the level of difficulty rises as one is getting progress in it.

Assessment centers:

Assessment centers are the last and complicated phase in this psychometric test series of the selection process. It may take the whole day or more and can provoke stress and pressure in candidates to identify their patience. This process includes three modules: firstly a psychometric test, secondly, simulation exercises either in a group or individually and finally a personal interview.

After passing through the entire process, one can get his ideal job best suited to his personality and career choices. For preparing for these psychometric tests you may join practice sessions or short-term online courses for getting improvement in your job-related skills. These courses include easy-to-read descriptions about the question and how to make an effective strategy for giving the detailed answers to them.

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