Sakshi  Mandhyan Career Expert

Sakshi Mandhyan

Clinical, Adolescent and Organizational Psychologist

Sakshi Mandhyan

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About Sakshi Mandhyan

Ms. Sakshi specializes in dealing with stress related concerns and holistic development of individual, personal familial and career related concerns .She has organized and conducted various educational seminars, trainings , workshops and aptitude assessment for different educational institution , schools and corporate across Delhi and NCR .She had worked and gained experience with schools and organizations like Lotus valley International, Indraparstha International, Alcon International , St Gregorious, Mater Dei Convent, CA institute, ST Ericsson , Viacom, Hero Moto Corp etc.

 Sakshi Mandhyan, Clinical, Adolescent and Organizational Psychologist, is a career counsellor based at Delhi, Delhi area. View all career counsellors from Delhi


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Dear friend,I understand your dilemma at this stage. Its a very common phase for most of the students. In order to solve your concern, it is very important for you to reflect back into your personality and answer certain questions for yourself.1. What are the areas of strengths and areas of improvements in your personality? i.e. what are the things/traits that you are really good at and will excel in academically and what are the things/traits that need your attention for improvement.2. Once you assess your personality traits, get yourself into further introspection on the areas of your intere

Answered by: Sakshi Mandhyan, Clinical, Adolescent and Organizational Psychologist, on January 23, 2015

Dear friend, 5yrs Gap after B Tech : 3 years of gap after B Tech  As you are saying you have 4 years gap after b tech but i do not know the reason for the gap that you took post your etc.  but with the information that you have provided here, all i can suggest is that there are two ways in which you can deal with the situation at hand - EITHER you stick to this field, work upon it to get back on the track and improve your career OR you change your field and start a fresh. 5 years of gap after B Tech If you wish to stick to this field then first of all get yourself a good int

Answered by: Sakshi Mandhyan, Clinical, Adolescent and Organizational Psychologist, on March 01, 2014

Dear friend,I understand your dilemma at this stage. Its a very common phase for most of the students. In order to solve your concern, it is very important for you to reflect back into your personality and answer certain questions for yourself.1. What are the areas of strengths and areas of improvements in your personality? i.e. what are the things/traits that you are really good at and will excel in academically and what are the things/traits that need your attention for improvement.2. Once you assess your personality traits, get yourself into further introspection on the areas of your intere

Answered by: Sakshi Mandhyan, Clinical, Adolescent and Organizational Psychologist, on March 01, 2014