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Career Counsellors / Experts in patiala

Most Active Career Counsellors in Patiala

Meet the top active Career Counselling Experts of Patiala of CareerGuide for the last 30 days. This section is refreshed everyday taking the activity of last 30 days. You can connect with any of the Career Counselling Experts by just clicking on the “Ask” button.

Most Reviewed Career Counsellors in Patiala

Meet the most reviewed Career Experts of Patiala of CareerGuide. This section is based on all time rating provided by students. This list displays Career Experts who are most popular in their category and has received the most number of reviews till date. Check out the student’s reviews to get the best Career Advice.

All Career Counsellors in Patiala

"Are you looking for Career Counsellors of Patiala?

Connect instantly to 1105+ experts for best Career Advice in Patiala which enables you to make the right Career choices. Our Career Guidance Counsellors can help you make the perfect career plan depending on your area of interest. Our unbiased Career Counselling service can help you take the right career decisions. We provide complete career planning, college planning guidance & complete Study Abroad counselling too. You can connect to any of our Career Counselling Experts in Patiala and get your career question answered instantly.

Find the list of 1105+ Career Counsellors of Patiala here:

Shelly Gupta

Career Counsellor and Personality Counsltant at Shapes

Proficient and determined professional having over 18 years of committed teaching, career counselling, PD & Soft Skills Trainings with passionate and massive success in management and IT institutes. Organized Career Counseling for various management courses at graduation & post graduation level affiliated with PTU & Punjabi universities Specialties: Training, Counselling, Recuriting and PD,Motivational Speaker, Transaction Analyser and Emotional Intelligence Trainer

Engineering & TechnologyComputer EngineerInformation TechnologistsBanking / Insurance & FinanceHumanistic StudiesView more »

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