
Designing or engineering have bright future after 4 years

qualified for NIFT examination 2013

by Priya
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RE: Designing or engineering have bright future after 4 years

Swati Vats
Swati Vats
Verified Career Expert
Swati Vats is a post graduate in Guidance and Counseling
  • Gurgaon

Hi, Fashion designing as well as Engineering both professional courses leads to a bright and promising future provided you pursue the course from a good institute. The other most important factor is that how much hard work and passion is displayed . Researches have shown that when students follow a course of his/ her interest the chances of excelling increases. Therefore if you are really interested in Fashion designing and also have skills like creativity, novelty, eye for detail, perseverance and spatial aptitude then undoubtedly you can join NIFT. But on the other hand if you feel that you are more technical then creative then engineering is the better option

Here would also like to add that in many cases students have shown equal inclination towards both designing as well as engineering in such cases Product designing is the field which actually satisfies the urge. So, now opt for the professional course after analyzing your strengths and interests.

RE: Designing or engineering have bright future after 4 years

Rahul Shinde
Rahul Shinde
Verified Career Expert
Career Consultant at Pinnacle School of Business Management
  • Thane


Greeting's for the day!!!

Designing as well as Engineering Field gives you bright furture in long run. As per your interest you can go ahead with any of the field. As you already been eligible for NIFT, I can suggest you to go ahead with Fashion Designing Fields itself. As with current trends , it has wide scope in coming future.

Fashion Design:
Fashion Design is the applied art devoted to the designing of clothing and lifestyle accessories. this art is influnced by cultural and social attitudes and has evolved over time and place. Fashion designing has come a long way from the designer clothes worn by the royalty of the ancient world to the haute couture products of the present.

Fashion designing is one of the most lucrative, appealing, glamorous, and exciting career options in today's world. If you have a penchant for creativity, style and originality, a career in fashion designing is the one tailor made for you. On one hand, the fashion industry satisfies both the creative fancies and the materialstic needs of the people. On the other hand, it promises glamour, fame, success and high pay package to the talented people.

Job Prospects:
In india, the fashion industry has just begun to come of age, as it is still in its fledgling stage. This industry offers plenty of opportunities for talented hard working and enthusiastic people. Prospects for fashion design graduates are pretty good thanks to the huge and still growing demand for "Designer wear" and the equally outsized quantity of exports.

After successful completion of the course, you can remain self employed. Alternatively, several export houses, garment store chains, textile mills, leather companies, boutiques, fashion show organizers, jewellery houses and media houses recruit professionals interested in a career in fashion designing.

Pay Packet:
The starting monthly package can be around 10-15k. With experience, you will acquire maturity in designing skills and a few years down the line your salary would be in the range of Rs. 30-40K per month. Of course, if you become a reputed designer, you could demand the world.

Great fashion designers salary always shows an upward moving trend. However, hard work and conscious effort to update the latest trends in the fashion industry are imperative.

Further doubts or queries feel free to contact.


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JEE Main and Advanced syllabus

RE: Designing or engineering have bright future after 4 years

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