
Is engineering a good option for a science student?

by Bhavya
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2 answers

RE: Is engineering a good option for a science student?

Verified Career Expert
Head - Education Business (Digital Education & Training Products),...Exploring next big challenge.
  • New Delhi

Hi Bhavya,

For a science PCM or Physics, Chemistry and Maths student engineering is one of the best course that he or she can do. It is one of the most sought after courses in India. It is a specialized course in which you can opt for various specializations depending on your specialization you can look for the job of your interest. There are campus placements for most of the colleges. A degree in engineering is although considered the best for a science student but it is not that you cannot opt for some other courses. There are a whole lot of courses other than Engineering for Science students like you can opt for B.Sc in any of the science subjects, being a science student also gives you a privilege that you can shift to commerce or humanities stream anytime you like. You can even opt for the courses that commerce and humanities student opt.

You should always remember one thing that you should choose a field in which you have interest rather than what is the best course, in this case I would recommend you to take the Ideal Career Test at which suggest you the career options based on your aptitude, interest, motivation and personality because the courses that we consider ‘hot’ today might not remain the same after 5 or 10 years but if you choose a course which you have interest it will always be satisfied in your life.

RE: Is engineering a good option for a science student?

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

Dear Aspirant,

Actually, as a Counsellor I would suggest you to ask this question in a different way to yourself. The question you should ask yourself is "Is Engineering for me?"

Always remember that every career is good, but the important fact we ignore is which career you are best suited for.

As a science student, Engineering, Medical are definitely good options. It may happen that Medical may be a best suited career for you.

I would definitely like you to take the Ideal Career Test from which will tell you which career is suited for you. 

Best wishes

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