Ashmit Pattanayak

My Son just finished his 10th. We wanted to know what career path he should take. How should he determine the path? We gave the Ideal Career Test with but there were too many option among Law,Administration and Engineering.Please advice

by Ashmit Pattanayak
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2 answers

RE: My Son just finished his 10th. We wanted to know what career path he should take. How should he determine the path? We gave the Ideal Career Test with but there were too many option among Law,Administration and Engineering.Please advice

Vijay Goel
Vijay Goel
Verified Career Expert
Cheif Astrologer/Career Advisor at
  • Jaipur

There are various psychometric assessment test and you have gone through it.  

My way of assessment is totally different from these tests and does not require answering of any questions. I need accurate date, time and place of birth. I erect horoscope which clearly gives picture  about your natural strength and weaknesses in nature, inherent aptitude and interest to determine your abilities. More to this, it has power to determine the present circumstances you are facing as well as the mindset you are in. This Vedic horoscope career reading is most successful and most accurate as it works on the principle that with the movement of time, circumstances changes, mindset changes although the natural abilities are hard to change and it matures with time. Many times natural abilities gets covered due to pressure of present circumstances and student fails to make correct decision on education. Psychometric assessment test provide results on the present situation when test was conducted but cannot assess for future mindset which changes with time. These psychometric assessment test also help an astrologer to correctly judge the horoscope to make fine assessment over present situations and mindset. There is one more factor which cannot be assess by any test in the world is the 'Karmic factor' except through Vedic Horoscope. We have seen that student takes many degrees in various fields and their career is totally different from their educational degrees, this is because of change of mindset with time factor which could be analysed through Vedic horoscope. 

In present scenario we can use both powerful tools; psychometric assessment test and Vedic horoscope education and career assessment report for best future planning of the student.

Vedic Astrologer Vijay Goel

RE: My Son just finished his 10th. We wanted to know what career path he should take. How should he determine the path? We gave the Ideal Career Test with but there were too many option among Law,Administration and Engineering.Please advice

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

Dear Aspirant,

It would have been ideal if your son appeared for the Stream Selector Test before the Ideal Career Test. Stream Selector Test is specifically designed to know which stream among Arts, Science and Commerce is suitable.

Law, Administration and Engineering are the options suggested, but please tell me what preference number they are at? IF Law & Administration is suggested as number one spot, the choosing Arts stream would be ideal.

Best wishes

JEE Main Previous Year Paper

JEE Main Previous Year CutOff PDFs

JEE Main and Advanced syllabus

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