Rahul Joshi

The 10 ways of smart and effective study?

by Rahul Joshi
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RE: The 10 ways of smart and effective study?

Avadhut Desai
Avadhut Desai
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor / President at Foresight Foundation
  • Kolhapur

Wouldn’t it be nice if we come to know how to study smart and effectively and what are the ways of smart and effective study? That’s the question every student has been haunted by and they are even more curious to know the way by which this age-old, so-called riddle could be solved. Right from the childhood through the nursery stage of schooling to the college level, we have been guided, told, suggested about how to study in a smart way. Our parents, teachers and the resource persons would tell us to do particular things, specific rules to follow regarding studying and all.

Do you remember our parents would tell us stories of the past that when there was a Gurukul system of learning, disciples would have been required to follow specific rules of studying in terms of sitting, reading, memorizing the facts, etc.? The time changed so also the traditions and manners and we are having this moment scientifically proven ways of studying. Earlier people used to read loudly as they believed it would be memorized easily by that way and they stressed more on mugging up but we all know how useful are those old ways of studying, don’t we? Let's go through some of the useful ways of smart and effective study -

1. Study Environment

The single most important thing, we must pay attention to, is a study environment. A disturbing and noisy could never be a study place. The study environment is as important as your skills of studying otherwise, I am sure about, the whole exercise may go in vain and would prove futile. Then how should be the ideal study environment? Yep, it should be pleasing and relaxing. It should be motivating and inspiring to help you reach excellence. You can hang some of the photographs of the inspiring personalities on the walls which would keep your mood up helps to have a smart and effective study.

2. Read multiple subjects daily

Sticking to one subject in a whole day is onerous. If you are a school student, you may be doing home assignments after your school in the evening and a college student may be doing the same task for more time either at home or in a library. This all exercise goes pleasing and satisfactory if you switch to a new subject alternatively. Especially it is strongly suggested for the students who prepare for university and competitive exams. It’s always been better to study multiple subjects rather than deep-diving into one. The brain needs to do consolidation which only would be done if doesn’t get any stress.

3. Read faster with big eye span

Check your reading speed. Try to read more words per minutes than you currently do. Reading faster helps cover more content, helps memorize the facts easily. A slow reading has its own drawbacks as you may forget what you read earlier as you go ahead. A slow reading confuses and makes you blank in the sense that you finish with nothing. Also, do one thing, try to read more content in one eye span, say at the outset one line in one go and slowly two to three lines in one eye span. This will dramatically increase your capacity and skill positively.

4. Try mute reading not loudly

Are you still one of those who makes other annoyed due to loud reading and ends up having nothing? Oh, come on then! You are a grown up now and not a nursery kid. Apply this productive method of reading. Mute reading helps you grasp more than the loud one. It maintains silence and you get more of an essence. Mute reading is a hallmark of the smart and effective study and is appreciated also as other can do their own business easily.

5. Maintain brief notes

There may be exceptions and someone would say certain XYZ do read it once and reproduce whenever asked so with great ease. But this is not a general fact. One cannot remember the whole book by reading once or twice. Jotting down important points helps in revising the content in a shorter time. You never need to read the same book many times if maintain brief notes. It saves time.
6. Revise, revise and revise periodically

Once read and forgot. It happens. If you don’t revise what you have read earlier would make you forget that. Periodical revision is more necessary to keep alive every bit of information in your brain. Try scheduling revision say for every week and even try reading or having a cursory glance at the yesterday’s content every next day.

7. Make your study comprehensive using the internet

You need not worry about any information you want. There is the internet at your disposal. Just make it a part of your habit that after studying any topics just go to the internet and collect some more facts and information only to make it comprehensive.

8. Maintain concentration and don’t do multitasking

Multitasking doesn’t produce effective results. Try focusing on one thing at a time, be perfect in that and move on to next accordingly. Doing more things at a time is distributing your attention on more things like someone is studying and simultaneously messaging friends and even doing some another thing. This would only end up distracting your concentration and nothing else.

9. Evaluate yourself periodically

Periodical evaluation is a must. One who doesn’t get evaluated periodically will lose relevance of his/her knowledge in a long run. It’s like helping metal develop rust and become of no use. Periodical evaluation is necessary as it rejuvenates the almost forgotten content in your memory. It helps you know your weak areas so that you can improve it afterward.

10. Stay connected with peers and a resource person

In our childhood, our parents shouldered the responsibility of resource person and teachers in our school and college days. The resource person is essentially someone who guide us frankly and who is an expert in our subject field. A friend, family members, our teachers, or even the earlier achievers of our subject can be a resource person. It always fetches benefits by having a resource person in terms of taking you on the track, guiding you properly, making you aware of the future course in your career path.

We always come to hear the remarks such one need to study smart and not harder. A smart study has always been effective from which you gain a lot. It consumes less time but fetches you a number of benefits. So gear up to a smart and effective study and excel in your career path easily.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!

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