Spoorti J

What are other career options open to me after doing Electrical & Electronics Engineer?

Can you give me best possible solution

by Spoorti J
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RE: What are other career options open to me after doing Electrical & Electronics Engineer?

Deepak Rana
Deepak Rana
Verified Career Expert
Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds
  • Kangra

There are quite a few job options available to you after getting the degree of an Electrical and Electronics Engineer. I am explaining below the different opportunities that you can explore. Please note that there are countless options and it is not possible to mention all of them here. Therefore I will only be presenting the broad idea of them:

1. You can go for a higher education degree and then look for a job. As you want to explore the options beyond Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Masters in the same won't do it for you. You can either go for an MBA or various other Masters options available for you as per your interest. Some of these options will be technical while others are not. you can choose them as per your interest.

2. If you are only a fresher you can try for software engineering jobs if that suits you. Even if you are an experienced professional you can still try to get this job after getting a few certifications in Information Technology. These jobs pay well and are convenient too.

3. You can try for the civil services if public administration appeals you. But ensure that you prepare really well as the civil services exams are usually very tough and require very good score to make it through.

4. You can work in certain non technical positions such as analysts, human resource professional, operations officer etc, These are open to people from various education backgrounds and can be helpful in making good money.

5. In case you are interested in working independently you can try that option too. You just need to have an expert area where you can provide the valuable contribution too. As a free lancer you can make a lot of money and decide your timing preferences too.

6. If you have masters in the electrical and electronics engineering you can also go for lectureship in case you are interested in teaching. This way you will be staying in the field that you studied yet far away from the industrial life.

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