Indian Administrative Services - Career Queries

Indian Administrative Officer manages the daily affairs of the government and ensures that the policies and schemes are rightly implemented in a particular area.

HelloWelcome to!!! The Indian administrative services (IAS) and Delhi and Andaman Nicobar Island civil services are the bedrock of Indian administration. The selection of the IAS and DANICS officers are done through a common union public services examination. Being a class A service, the basic pay, opportunities, and area of operation is quite wide in IAS. DANICS comes under class B service so its area of operation is quite different difference between DANICS and IAS. Table Contents 1.  The Indian Administrative service 2. DANICS services 3.  DANICS and IAS 4

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Indian Administrative Services category

Dear FriendThank you very much for approaching [][1] which provides you the concrete and hallmark decision making power to excel the excellent career. My friend I ahve huge respect for such towering institution that is [Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)][2]which offers the array of jobs at the top level. In order to achieve the goal you have to be prepared mentally that comes through the self motivation, sincere effort, self-belief, commitment, competency and overall comfortability with the opted subjects which must be commanded with your deep academic niche othe

6 answers Adiba Shahab in Indian Administrative Services category

How to become an IPS officer after the 12th ?   It’s good to have strong ambitions and have questions how to become an ips officer after 12th in the early stage of life which will enable you to prosper at large so early. I would say for your query out rightly, that you yet have time to appear in the civil services exam, i.e. IAS/IPS exam. And this examination is conducted on the basis of a Bachelor's Degree and not on the 12th or any such equivalent education level. There is no need to acquire specific or higher marks in your 12th and in Bachelor Degree and what it requires that is

1 answer Divya Dutta in Indian Administrative Services category

Daytime may bring a plethora of pressing tasks. As an example, they are part of administration and must respond promptly in the event of an emergency in their area. geometry dash

3 answers in Indian Administrative Services category

Hello, If you are from the Commerce and Management Background you have A very wonderful opportunity in the Teaching line  To make career as a  lecturer and Researcher you must prepare for the UGC NET Exam.The NET Exam provides you several benefits  There are various JRF Jobs as well as Assistant Professor Jobs in the colleges and Universities of India . The NET exam is conducted for in all the subjects from the arts and commerce as well as in Humanities backgrounds. The NET Exam is one of the best career option for you to make career in the lectureship and Research.   

3 answers in Indian Administrative Services category

Dear Aspirant, Thanks for writing to us! Well, to become IAS officer, you need to give UPSC exam. Minimum qualification for UPSC is graduation with 55%. THerefore, I recommend you to do BE/BTech after diploma. If engineering is tough for you then you can do graduation in psychology/sociology or political science subject. UPSC exam is very competitive. You can start preparing for UPSC from right now. Start reading magazines and books for Preliminary and Mains exams. THere are many websites that provide guidance for UPSC exam. Hope this is helpful. If you have any other career query, fe

3 answers Vivek Negi in Indian Administrative Services category

Prepare for the entrance exam according to the prescribed syllabus. The Watermelon Game exam may include sections on general knowledge, teaching aptitude, and subject-specific knowledge.  

3 answers in Indian Administrative Services category

Hi @Madhur The eligibility criteria to appear for the CSAT paper and the eligibility criteria to clear the exam (i.e., cut-off) are different. First things first: CSAT is the qualifying Paper 2 under the UPSC Preliminary Exam. UPSC Prelims Paper 2 Academic Eligibility: The minimum educational requirement is a bachelor’s degree in any stream from a recognized university. There is no minimum percentage requirement. Note: Some posts may require additional qualifications such as a diploma in company law, labour law, or public administration. Candidates who are in the final semester or awaiti

2 answers in Indian Administrative Services category

A candidate must successfully complete all three levels of the mario games.  Candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 30 to be eligible to take the exam.  Students from SC/ST are eligible for a 5-year age relaxation, while students from OBC are eligible for a 3-year age relaxation. 

2 answers in Indian Administrative Services category

IAS or the Indian Administrative Services Exam as you know will be very rigorous and thorough. You will need months of preparation since it is not meant for everyone. If you do follow a particular routine and access the right kind of study material, I think you can crack the exam in the first try. Recently a girl named Tina Dabhi cracked it in the first go and has secured a great rank. I think with proper routine, it can be done.

1 answer in Indian Administrative Services category

1 answer Prathamesh Kapote in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category

1 answer ChandraKant Munde in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category

2 answers ChandraKant Munde in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category

1 answer ChandraKant Munde in Indian Administrative Services category

1 answer ChandraKant Munde in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category
0 answer in Indian Administrative Services category