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Career Counsellors / Experts in kanpur

Most Active Career Counsellors in Kanpur

Meet the top active Career Counselling Experts of Kanpur of CareerGuide for the last 30 days. This section is refreshed everyday taking the activity of last 30 days. You can connect with any of the Career Counselling Experts by just clicking on the “Ask” button.

Most Reviewed Career Counsellors in Kanpur

Meet the most reviewed Career Guidance Counsellors of Kanpur of CareerGuide. This section is based on all time rating provided by students. This list displays Career Counsellors who are most popular in their category and has received the most number of reviews till date. Check out the student’s reviews to get the best Career Guidance Counselling.

All Career Counsellors in Kanpur

"Are you looking for Career Counsellors of Kanpur?

Connect instantly to 1105+ experts for best Career Guidance Counselling in Kanpur which enables you to take the right career decisions. Our Career Counsellors can help you make the perfect career plan depending on your area of interest. Our unbiased Career Counselling service can help you take the right career decisions. We provide complete career planning, college planning guidance & complete Study Abroad counselling too. You can connect to any of our Career Experts in Kanpur and get your career question answered instantly.

Find the list of 1105+ Career Counselling Experts of Kanpur here:

sadaf siddiqui

Sr.Counsellor at Amity Education Group

sadaf siddiqui is Sr.Counsellor at Amity Education Group. Ask sadaf siddiqui to get Expert Career Advice.

Humanistic StudiesCareer counselorInterview TipsResume WritingView more »

Ashish Pandey

Counselor & Life Coach at Rightcareer4u

I believe that counselling play a important part in career planning. So many youths and students faces dilemma while opting right career. So to overcome that they need a personal guidance. Here I do Career Planning for these students. For employees and working professionals, stress is a word which everyone faces in their work profile, and this work stress disturbs their personal life too. So I help and assist such employees and working professionals by the help of Counselling to overcome their stress and fear of feeling over loaded with work.

Education / Skill DevelopmentClinical PsychologistsHealthcarePsychologistDietician AssistantView more »

Raksha Kamani

Career Counselor

Ms. Raksha is a C. S , she had been into career counseling right after her college and had worked with different academic counseling organization. She is CEo of PR career solution and is committed to provide her guidance and mentor -ship to students of all age group at various levels.

Banking / Insurance & FinanceCompany SecretaryView more »

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