
I don't like study but I m good at sports.... what should I do?

i want to go in sports field..

by Ekamrocknroll
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RE: I don't like study but I m good at sports.... what should I do?

Halima Sadiya
Halima Sadiya
Verified Career Expert
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
  • Kalyan

Hello Sports person,

Let me start with few words said by Muhammad Ali,

" Champions are not made in gyms,, Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- A desire, A dream , A vision,,"

It seems that you are quite energetic, enthusiastic and physically fit from your interests in sports .Is it your inborn passion or is it just a favourite pastime and relaxation from stress of studies? If its your real passion then it can be aquite rewarding and satisfying career. To some people sports come naturally, where as for some others, it is just moderate but can be developed by proper training and techniques.

The tremenduous success of Common Wealth Games and other international sporting events has led sports as a lucrative career aspiration in many young minds of India.A student can opt for career in sports in any of his field of interests like cricket, hockey , boxing, swimming, volleyball , tennis etc. Career in sports has a lot more than being an athlete only, one can venture into other numerous options such as physical training instructor, a coach, sports journalism and media,sports commentator, sports photographer and a lot more . Common qualifications are bachelor in Physical Education, B.Ph.Edu. or a certificate in physical education but it varies from game to game. All of the sports require strong physical attributes such as high physical as well as mental quotient, physical fitness, flexibility, team spirit and bonding, leadership qualities, high morale and integrity and most important of all is the spirit of fair play, i.e. The Real sportsmanship, playing to win and at the same time keeping up the rules of the game.

Sports Authority of India (SAI) has a large number of institutes and academies functioning under it that imparts training to young students to become successful honored sportspersons. Some prominent sports institutes of India are LaxmiBai national institute of physical education, Gwalior, LakshmiBai National college for physical education, Thiruvanathapuram. Amity Institue of Physical Education and sports sciences , Noida, Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports sciences, New Delhi, National cricket academy, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and many more.

All professionals in this field must be absolutely committed to the profession and the game. Hope you find the information helpful. For more information , feel free to contact..

Good luck.

RE: I don't like study but I m good at sports.... what should I do?


I am quite satisfied with it answer but is it the same for a student who doesn't have any sports certificates and is suffering from family pressures who don't want him to go in this stream and when he argues they say get lost from my home first of all you spoiled my entire money in nothing

RE: I don't like study but I m good at sports.... what should I do?

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RE: I don't like study but I m good at sports.... what should I do?

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RE: I don't like study but I m good at sports.... what should I do?

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