DHS Result: Details, Cutoff, Criteria, Supplementary

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DHS Assam Result 2023: All candidates who took the Assam DHS grade 3 test 2023 are eagerly anticipating the results. The exam was separated into two sections: technical and non-technical. The non-technical findings were revealed on April 21, 2023, however the technical findings have yet to be revealed. When the Assam DHS grade 3 result is released, it will be posted on the official website at dhs.assam.gov.in. A big number of applicants took the technical examination and are now waiting for their results.


DHS is the Department of homeland security (DHS), which is the primary responsibility of the U.S. federal government for protecting the nation from terrorism, natural disaster response, and securing and managing immigration. was created after the September 11, 2001, attacks and is the third largest cabinet department within the federal government with more than 240,000 staff members. protects the nation’s borders and transportation networks, prevents and responds to terrorist attacks, manages immigration and customs, responds to natural disaster and other emergencies, and protects cybersecurity and infrastructure. has its headquarters in Washington D.C. and offices and facilities across the United States.


The conducting body, the Directorate of Health Services, has successfully given the LDA and copyist exams. This post will cover all of the details and procedures for the Assam DHS Grade 3 Technical Exam. Candidates should prepare their documents in advance of the release of the Assam DHS Grade 3 results in 2023. This article contains all relevant information on the outcome.

DHS Result 2023

Candidates who applied for the Assam DHS Grade 3 exam should be patient since the results have not yet been released. The written examination was completed offline, and the evaluation is currently ongoing. Candidates can check their scores on the official website after the results date is announced. Those who took the exam on May 29, 2022, can view their results on the official website. Candidates who have made the merit list should prepare for the skill exam after the DHS Assam Grade 3, 4 Result 2023 is released. Please see the table below for additional information about the outcome.

Event Date
Organization Directorate of Health Services
Test DHS Assam Exam 2023
Exam Date 22 January 2023
Number of Vacancies 1192
Category  Result
Result April last Week 2023
Website @dhsassam.gov.in

Entrance exam

There is no single DHS entrance exam. Instead, each DHS agency has its own hiring process and requirements. Some agencies require candidates to take written exams, while others do not. Some agencies also require candidates to have certain experience or education qualifications.

Here are some examples of DHS entrance exams:

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer Exam: This exam is required for all CBP Officer candidates. It is a written exam that assesses candidates’ knowledge of CBP policies and procedures, as well as their ability to solve problems and think critically.
  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent Exam: This exam is required for all ICE Special Agent candidates. It is a written exam that assesses candidates’ knowledge of law enforcement procedures, as well as their ability to reason and write effectively.

Entrance Eligibility 2023

The eligibility requirements for DHS entrance exams vary depending on the agency and the specific position. However, there are some general eligibility requirements that apply to most DHS jobs.

To be eligible for a DHS job, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or national
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Meet the minimum education and experience requirements for the position
  • Pass a background investigation and security clearance
  • Pass a physical agility test and/or medical exam

Hall ticket

The DHS hall ticket process varies depending on the agency and the specific position. However, there are some general steps that you can follow to obtain your DHS hall ticket.

  1. Apply for the DHS job that you are interested in. You can apply for DHS jobs on the USAJOBS website.
  2. Once you have applied for a DHS job, you will receive an email from the agency with instructions on how to download your hall ticket. The email will typically contain a link to a website where you can log in and download your hall ticket.
  3. To download your hall ticket, you will need to enter your name, date of birth, and application number.
  4. Once you have downloaded your hall ticket, you should print it out and bring it with you to the exam hall.

Details mentioned on marksheet

    • Candidate’s name
    • Candidate’s date of birth
    • Candidate’s application number
    • Exam name
    • Exam date
    • Candidate’s score on each section of the exam
    • Candidate’s overall score on the exam
    • Candidate’s passing status

Passing Criteria

The passing criteria for DHS entrance exams varies depending on the agency and the specific position. However, in general, candidates need to obtain a minimum score on the exam in order to pass. The minimum score is typically set by the agency and may be adjusted from year to year.

Here are some examples of passing criteria for DHS entrance exams:

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer Exam: Candidates must obtain a minimum score of 70 on the exam in order to pass.
  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent Exam: Candidates must obtain a minimum score of 70 on the exam in order to pass.
  • Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Officer Exam: Candidates must obtain a minimum score of 75 on the exam in order to pass.

How to check result online ?

Here are some general steps that you can follow to check your DHS result online:

  1. Go to the website of the agency that you took the exam for.
  2. Find the page where you can check your results. This page is typically called “Results” or “Scores.”
  3. Enter your name, date of birth, and application number.
  4. Click the “Submit” button.
  5. Your results will be displayed on the screen.

Supplementary exam

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not have a supplementary exam for any of its entrance exams. If you fail a DHS entrance exam, you will need to wait until the next time the exam is offered to take it again. However, some DHS agencies may have other options for candidates who fail the entrance exam. For example, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) offers a waiver program for candidates who fail the CBP Officer Exam. The waiver program allows candidates to still be considered for the CBP Officer position if they meet certain criteria, such as having prior military or law enforcement experience.

Revaluation exam

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not have a revaluation exam for any of its entrance exams. If you are not satisfied with your score on a DHS entrance exam, you will need to wait until the next time the exam is offered to take it again. However, some DHS agencies may have other options for candidates who are not satisfied with their score on the entrance exam. For example, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) offers a review process for candidates who believe that their CBP Officer Exam was not graded correctly. To request a review, candidates must submit a written request to CBP within 30 days of receiving their exam results.


The DHS cutoff is the minimum score that candidates need to obtain on a DHS entrance exam in order to pass. The cutoff is set by the agency and may vary depending on the exam and the year.

Here are some examples of DHS cutoffs:

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer Exam Cutoff: 70
  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent Exam Cutoff: 70
  • Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Officer Exam Cutoff: 75


The commission will issue the DHS Assam Grade 3 Admit Card few weeks before the exam. The Admit Card can be downloaded from the DHS Assam website. Candidates will not be permitted to take the exam unless they have an admit card. The 2023 admit card includes information such as the exam location, day, and time.

According to the 7th Pay Commission, the DHS Assam Grade 3 Salary ranges between INR 14,000-60,500/- depending on the post for which they are recruited. Here’s how to get your DHS Assam Grade 3 Admit Card 2023.

The question paper will contain 100 questions, each worth one point. General English will receive 25 points, General Math will receive 25 points, and General Knowledge will receive 50 points, for a total of 100 points.

The Written Test will be worth 100 points, while the Skill Test/Aptitude Test will be worth 25 points.
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