Jangipur College Admission 2023: Courses, Fees

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Jangipur College is a notable educational institution situated in Jangipur, a town in the Murshidabad district of West Bengal, India. The college has a history of providing quality education and contributing to the academic and cultural development of the region. Here’s a basic overview of Jangipur College:

Please note that specific details might change over time, and for the most accurate and up-to-date information about Jangipur College, it’s recommended to visit the official college website or contact the college administration directly.

Jangipur College

Jangipur College Highlights:

Aspect Highlights
Location Jangipur, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Courses Offered UG Courses in Arts, Science, and Commerce
Academic Quality Emphasis on academic excellence and holistic development
Faculty Experienced and qualified faculty
Extracurricular Cultural events, clubs, and activities
Community Impact Contributing to local education and development
Placements Focus on higher education and diverse career paths
Infrastructure Facilities including classrooms, labs, library
Admission Process Application process based on eligibility criteria
Website Official Website:

Jangipur College Merit List 2023 (Expected):

CourseMerit List
BA / BA HonsLink
B.Sc / B.Sc Hons.Link
B.Com/ B.Com Hons.Link


Institutions that are accredited by NAAC are awarded a grade from A++ to D, with A++ being the highest grade. The grade is based on the institution’s overall performance against the NAAC criteria. NAAC accreditation is a voluntary process, but it is increasingly seen as a mark of quality by students, employers, and other stakeholders. Accreditation can help institutions to attract more students, secure funding, and improve their reputation.

Jangipur College Courses & Fees:

Course Fees (1st Year) Eligibility
BA ₹2,250 10+2
B.Sc ₹3,870 10+2
B.Com ₹2,620 10+2
B.Com {Hons.} ₹2,370 10+2
BA {Hons.} ₹2,250 10+2
B.Sc {Hons.} ₹3,870 10+2

Jangipur College UG Eligibility Criteria:

B.A./B.A. {Hons.}: Candidates ought to have completed 10+2 or identical from a recognized board. Particular subject-related prerequisites might apply for respects courses (e.g., English Hons. might require a certain rate in English in 10+2).

B.Sc./B.Sc. {Hons.}: Candidates ought to have completed 10+2 or comparable with Science subjects (Material science, Chemistry, and Biology/Mathematics) from a recognized board. Certain respects courses might have subject-specific qualification criteria (e.g., Material science Hons. might require a least rate in Material science). B.Com./B.Com. {Hons.}: Candidates ought to have completed 10+2 or comparable from a recognized board, ideally in Commerce stream. A few respects courses might require a particular rate in significant subjects like Bookkeeping.


Jangipur College UG Admissions 2023:

Course Specializations
B.A./ B.A. {Hons.} Economics, History, English, Geography, Education, Political Science, Bengali, Philosophy, Sanskrit, Arabic
B.Sc./ B.Sc. {Hons.} Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics
B.Com./ B.Com. {Hons.} Accountancy

Admission Procedure:

  • Visit the college and collect the application form by paying the fees
  • Register yourself on the Mumbai University’s website
  • Visit the official site of the college and go to the admissions tab
  • Fill out the details in the application form and submit it
  • Take a print copy of the filled form for further reference
  • Selected students can take admission by paying the fees within the due date

Documents required:

  • Attested photocopy of Admit Card.
  • Attested photocopy of High School Certificate or any proof of age.
  • Attested photocopy of class 12th mark sheet.
  • Original Copy of School Leaving Certificate.
  • Caste Certificate issued by a competent authority (If Applicable).
  • Original copy of Income Certificate.
  • Original copy of Domicile Certificate.

Jangipur College how to apply?

Visit the Official Site: Begin by going by the official site of Jangipur College. Explore for the “Affirmations” or “Apply” area to discover nitty gritty data almost the application prepare.

Check Qualification: Some time recently applying, make beyond any doubt to check the eligibility criteria for the course you’re fascinated by. Guarantee that you just meet the scholarly and other necessities.

Application Shape: On the off chance that the application process is online, you might discover an internet application frame on the college’s site. In case it’s offline, you might have to be collect a physical application shape from the college campus or assigned centers.

Fill the Application Frame: Total the application frame with precise and pertinent data. Make beyond any doubt to fill in all the desired subtle elements accurately.

Upload Reports: In the event that applying online, you might got to transfer filtered duplicates of required archives such as scholastic certificates, ID verification, passport-sized photos, and any other reports specified within the application frame. Pay Application Expense: There can be an application charge related with the application handle. Pay the charge through the given installment strategies, which can incorporate online installment, bank challan, or other strategies.

Yield the Application: After completing the application frame and installment, yield the shape online or in individual, as per the enlightening given. Concede Card or Affirmation: In the event that pertinent, you might get an concede card or an affirmation of your application accommodation. Keep this secure for future reference.

Confirmation Handle: The college will conduct an affirmation handle based on the data you’ve given. This might incorporate justify records, entrance exams (on the off chance that required), and counseling sessions.

Check Notices: Keep an eye on the college’s official site or other communication channels for overhauls on admission-related notices, justify records, counseling dates, etc.

Jangipur College Placements:

Higher Instruction: Numerous understudies select to seek after advance ponders by selecting in postgraduate courses (Aces) or proficient courses important to their field of intrigued.

Government Exams: Understudies might get ready for competitive government exams for different positions within the open division such as respectful administrations, managing an account, and other government occupations.

Private Division Occupations: Graduates might explore work openings within the private division based on their capabilities and aptitudes. These seem incorporate parts in organization, deals, client benefit, and more.

Self-Employment: A few understudies might select to begin their claim businesses or wanders, depending on their interface and skill sets.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Graduates fascinated by social work and community improvement might discover openings in NGOs and nonprofit organizations.

Instructing and Instruction: Understudies with a energy for instruction might consider careers in instructing, either at schools or coaching centers.

Outsourcing and Online Work: The advanced age offers openings for outsourcing and inaccessible work in different areas, counting substance composing, realistic plan, and more.

Enterprise: Those with inventive thoughts might set out on entrepreneurial ventures, setting up new companies or little businesses.

Jangipur College Facilities:

Library: A well-equipped library with a wide run of books, reference materials, diaries, and online assets to bolster scholastic and inquire about needs.

Classrooms: Open and well-equipped classrooms that give a conducive environment for learning.

Research facilities: Specialized labs for subjects like science, computer science, and other practical-oriented courses.

Computer Labs: Computer labs with advanced innovation and web network for understudies to carry out inquire about and commonsense work.

Theater and Workshop Lobbies: Spaces for facilitating courses, workshops, addresses, and social occasions. Sports Offices: Play areas and sports offices for different sports and physical exercises.

Cafeteria: A cafeteria or canteen that provides a assortment of nourishment and refreshments to understudies and staff.

Wellbeing Administrations: Fundamental restorative offices, to begin with help, and wellbeing administrations for understudies and staff.

Wi-Fi Network: Campus-wide Wi-Fi network for simple get to to online assets and inquire about.

Understudy Common Regions: Spaces where understudies can unwind, connected, and lock in in casual talks.

Gymnasium: Fitness offices for understudies curious about keeping up a sound way of life. Lodging Offices: Convenience offices for outstation understudies, on the off chance that accessible.

Transport Offices: Transportation administrations for commuting students.

Jangipur College Scholarships:

Government Grants: These grants are regularly given by the state or central government to bolster understudies seeking after restorative instruction. They can be based on justify, category (such as SC/ST/OBC), or monetary require.

Organization Grants: Edges Imphal might offer grants supported by the institution itself. These can be based on scholastic execution, administration qualities, and other criteria. Merit-Based Grants: These grants are granted to understudies who exceed expectations scholastically, more often than not based on their examination comes about.

Need-Based Grants: Need-based grants are outlined to help understudies from financially distraught foundations.

Category-Based Grants: Grants may be accessible for particular categories of understudies, such as those having a place to socially and financially in reverse communities or particular states.

Research Scholarships: For understudies fascinated by investigate, there may be grants accessible to bolster their investigate ventures or thinks about.

Specialty-Specific Grants: A few grants could be pointed at understudies seeking after particular therapeutic specialties, empowering them to exceed expectations in those ranges.

Extracurricular Accomplishment Grants: Grants may well be granted to understudies who exceed expectations in extracurricular exercises such as sports, expressions, or community benefit.

State Government Grants: Depending on the state in which the institution is found, there could be state government-sponsored grants accessible for nearby understudies.

Frequently Asked Question:

Applicants need to submit INR 200 registration fee for honours courses and INR 100 for other general courses at Jangipur College. The fee is to be paid online at the time of registration for admission on the online admission portal.

 Directorate of Open and Distance Learning (DODL) at Jangipur College offers a variety of distance education courses to cater to learners who are unable to attend traditional, in-person classes. These courses provide flexibility for individuals who may have other commitments or are unable to physically attend the college. However, course offerings may change over time. Here’s a general overview of the types of courses that DODL at Jangipur College might offer:

The B.Sc. program offered by Jangipur College is 3 years long and the complete course costs INR 1050.

No entrance test is conducted for admission to Jangipur College. All admissions are purely based on merit obtained in class 12th board examinations.


In conclusion, Jangipur College stands as a vital educational institution in the town of Jangipur, West Bengal. With its commitment to providing quality education and fostering academic growth, the college has played a significant role in shaping the future of its students. Here are some key takeaways about Jangipur College:

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