Kerala Lottery Monthly Chart

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Kerala Lottery, the official lottery of the Indian state of Kerala, is more than just a game of chance. It’s a vibrant tapestry of tradition, excitement, and the potential for life-altering wins. Since its inception in 1967, it has woven itself into the fabric of Kerala’s culture, offering hope and opportunity to millions.


The Kerala Lottery is the official lottery of the Indian state of Kerala, running since 1967. It’s more than just a game; it’s woven into the fabric of Kerala’s culture, offering hope and excitement with the potential for life-changing wins.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Variety of games: It’s not just “WinWin”! Kerala offers diverse lotteries like Karunya (big jackpots!), Akshaya (daily thrills!), and Treasure Hunt (strategic multi-draw).
  • Vibrant experience: It’s about buzzing vendors, draw day frenzy, and the shared joy of a winning ticket. It’s more than just numbers; it’s a cultural immersion.
  • Play responsibly: Set a budget, have fun, and enjoy the unique experience. Remember, the magic lies in the participation, not just the potential win.
Kerala Lottery

History of Kerala Lottery

The Kerala State Lotteries Department was founded by the Kerala government in 1967, marking the beginning of the Kerala Lottery’s history. The department was formed with the intention of making money for the state government Kerala Lottery Result  as well as giving the underprivileged and disenfranchised members of society a means of subsistence.

On January 26, 1968, the Kerala Lottery held its inaugural drawing. The lottery was once held once a week, but it was quickly extended to daily drawings. One of the most well-liked Kerala Lottery Result lotteries in India today, the Kerala Lottery gained popularity among the people of Kerala quite rapidly.

The Kerala Lottery has added several additional games throughout the years, including as lottery, draw, and scratch-off tickets. Additionally, the lottery has raised the The growth of the state has been significantly influenced by the Kerala Lottery. The state government has received billions of rupees in cash from the lottery, which it has utilized to finance several infrastructural and social welfare initiatives. Millions of individuals now have a source of income and thousands of employment thanks to the lottery.

Different Types of Kerala Lottery

  1. Win-Win Lottery (Mondays): The most popular Kerala Lottery with a jackpot prize of ₹1 crore
  2. Sthree Sakthi Lottery (Tuesdays): Exclusively for women with a jackpot prize of ₹70 lakhs.
  3. Akshaya Lottery (Wednesdays): Known for its quick results with a jackpot prize of ₹60 lakhs.
  4. Karunya Plus Lottery (Thursdays): Known for its high prize money Kerala Lottery Result with a jackpot prize of ₹70 lakhs.
  5. Nirmal Lottery (Fridays): Known for its affordable ticket price with a jackpot prize of ₹60 lakhs.
  6. Karunya Lottery (Saturdays): Has a charity component with a jackpot prize of ₹80 lakhs.
  7. Pournami Lottery (Sundays): With a jackpot prize of ₹70 lakhs.

Understanding the Monthly Chart

The Kerala Lottery Monthly Chart is your key to unlocking the secrets within the draws, empowering you to make informed decisions and potentially strike gold. But how do you read and interpret the information it presents? Let’s break down the table format:

1. Lottery Name: This clearly identifies the specific lottery you’re interested in, be it WinWin, Karunya, Akshaya, or Treasure Hunt.

2. Draw Date: This column lists the dates of each draw within the chosen month. Each lottery might have different draw frequencies, so pay attention to the intervals.

3. Winning Numbers: This is the heart of the chart! Here, you’ll find the winning combination of numbers for each draw. Depending on the lottery, there might be multiple sets of winning numbers for different categories (e.g., first prize, second prize).

4. Jackpot/Prize Money: This column displays the grand prize or jackpot amount for each draw. It’s the most tempting number, but remember, analyzing trends and patterns across draws can be more insightful than just focusing on the highest jackpot alone.

5. Additional Information: Some charts might include extra columns like bonus numbers, prize breakdowns for different categories, or even total ticket sales for each draw. This can provide valuable context and help you understand the overall performance of the lottery during that month.

Benefits of Using the Kerala Lottery Monthly Chart

Imagine having a secret decoder ring for the captivating world of Kerala Lotteries. That’s what the Monthly Chart is! It’s not just a dry table of numbers; it’s a treasure map revealing hidden gems, and here’s why you should use it:

1. Become a Data Detective:

  • Unmask Trends: See which numbers pop up most often, like lucky charms waiting to be picked.
  • Crack the Jackpot Code: Analyze prize distribution patterns and identify days when jackpots tend to be higher.
  • Outsmart the Odds: Go beyond random guesses and make informed decisions based on real data.

2. Level the Playing Field:

  • Newbie or Pro, You’re Empowered: Whether you’re a seasoned player or a wide-eyed curious soul, the chart equips you with valuable knowledge.
  • Bridge the Information Gap: Get insights that local vendors might not share, giving you an edge.
  • Play with Confidence: Make strategic choices, not desperate ones, and feel the power of informed action.

3. Unlock the Magic of Possibility:

  • Turn the Tide of Fortune: Don’t just hope for a win; actively seek it by understanding the dynamics at play.
  • Fuel Your Lottery Dreams: Let the chart ignite your imagination and rewrite your lottery destiny.
  • Embrace the Thrill of the Chase: It’s not just about winning; it’s about the journey, the analysis, the excitement of potentially striking gold!

4. More Than Just Numbers:

  • Dive Deeper into Kerala’s Culture: Understand the local pulse, the anticipation during draws, the joy of shared wins.
  • Become Part of the Community: Connect with the vibrant lottery scene, share insights, and learn from others.
  • Play Responsibly, Play Wisely: Use the chart to set informed budgets and maximize your entertainment value.

How to Play Kerala Lottery

Here are the steps on how to play the Kerala Lottery:

  1. Go to a licensed lottery retailer and purchase a ticket for the lottery game that you want to play.
  2. Choose the numbers that you want to play.
  3. Pay for your ticket and receive a receipt.
  4. Keep your ticket safe until the draw date.
  5. On the draw date, watch the live draw or check the results online or in the newspaper.
  6. If your numbers match the winning numbers, you win!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

The Kerala Lottery, with its vibrant tapestry of games and the allure of life-altering wins, can be an exciting adventure. But like any thrilling pursuit, it’s wise to tread carefully and avoid potential pitfalls. Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

1. Chasing Losses: It’s easy to get caught in the trap of “just one more ticket” to recoup your losses. Remember, each draw is an independent event, and past outcomes don’t influence future ones. Set a budget and stick to it, even if Lady Luck hasn’t smiled yet.

2. Neglecting the Monthly Chart: This treasure trove of data is your secret weapon! Ignoring it means missing out on valuable insights like frequent winning numbers, jackpot trends, and prize distribution patterns. Embrace the chart as your personal oracle, guiding your strategic choices.

3. Overlooking Local Knowledge: Local vendors are often goldmines of insider information, passed down through generations. Strike up a conversation, ask about lucky numbers, or simply observe their buying patterns. You might just uncover a hidden gem!

4. Ignoring the Fun Factor: While winning is exciting, remember, the Kerala Lottery is about more than just the jackpot. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, the shared anticipation, and the community spirit. Celebrate with winners, commiserate with fellow players, and let the experience itself be a source of joy.

5. Getting Greedy: It’s tempting to dream of mansions and yachts, but let’s be realistic. Approach the lottery as entertainment, not a guaranteed path to riches. Set achievable expectations, focus on strategic play, and appreciate any wins, big or small.

6. Blindly Following Tips: Don’t blindly trust “lucky number generators” or unsolicited advice. The Kerala Lottery is a game of chance, and ultimately, the numbers are drawn at random. Use external information to inform your decisions, not dictate them.

7. Forgetting Responsibility: The lottery should be a fun activity, not a source of financial stress. Never gamble beyond your means, prioritize your well-being, and remember, responsible play is the foundation of a truly enjoyable experience.


It’s a data-driven tool that unveils hidden trends and insights within the Kerala Lottery draws. It’s like a personalized decoder ring, empowering you to make informed decisions and potentially win big.

Currently, it covers the four main Kerala Lotteries: WinWin, Karunya, Akshaya, and Treasure Hunt. More lotteries might be added in the future.

Draw dates, winning numbers, jackpot amounts, and sometimes additional details like bonus numbers, prize breakdowns, and total ticket sales.

Look for patterns in winning numbers, analyze prize distribution across draws, and identify days when jackpots tend to be higher. Don’t just focus on the highest jackpot; analyze the overall trends.

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