Minimalist Mehendi Designs: karwa chauth

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Square Shaped Henna Design

This oh-so-pretty square henna design can make you love it even more if you are minimalistic by choice. Also, going for circular designs is a bit outdated now, choosing this square one will bring freshness to the design.

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New Choressquare Tikki Mehndi Designs 11

Floral Mehndi Design

Floral mehndi designs are a popular choice for all ages, especially kids. They are beautiful, elegant, and can be customized to fit any style. There are many different types of floral mehndi designs, from simple and delicate to intricate and bold.

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Bold And Curvy Floral Strokes

Bold and curvy floral strokes are a popular choice for mehndi designs. They are eye-catching and add a touch of drama to any design. These strokes can be used to create a variety of different flowers, such as roses, lotuses, and lilies.
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special occasions for Mehndi

Weddings and Engagements: Mehndi is an integral part of pre-wedding and engagement ceremonies in many cultures.

Eid Celebrations: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are important religious celebrations in Islam.

Karva Chauth: Karva Chauth is a fasting ritual observed by married Hindu women for the well-being and longevity of their husbands. 

Diwali (Deepavali): Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is another occasion where Mehndi is commonly applied by women and girls. 

Baby Showers (Godh Bharai): In many cultures, especially in South Asia, applying Mehndi during a baby shower is a common practice. Mehndi Design 

Festivals and Celebrations: Mehndi is often applied during other festivals and celebrations, such as Navratri, Teej, Raksha Bandhan, and traditional cultural events.

Bridal Showers and Hen Parties: In some modern contexts, applying Mehndi has become a part of bridal showers and hen parties as a way for the bride and her close friends to celebrate together before the wedding.

Cultural Events and Performances: Mehndi is also applied during cultural events, dance performances, and theatrical presentations to enhance the overall aesthetic and traditional feel of the event.

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Mehendi Tips

  • Choose the right mehendi paste. Make sure that the mehendi paste is made from natural ingredients and that it is free of chemicals. You should also avoid black henna and colored henna products, as they can be dangerous for the skin.
  • Prepare your skin. Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly before applying mehendi. You can also exfoliate your skin to help the mehendi paste adhere better.
  • Apply the mehendi paste evenly. Use a cone or a toothpick to apply the mehndi paste to your skin. Be sure to press down firmly to ensure that the paste is applied evenly.
  • Let the mehendi dry completely. It will take about 2-6 hours for the mehndi to dry completely.
  • Scrape off the mehendi paste. Once the mehendi is dry, you can scrape it off of your skin using a toothpick.
  • Apply oil to your skin. Applying oil to your skin will help the mehndi stain darker and last longer.


The mehndi stain will last for several days, and will eventually fade naturally. The length of time the stain lasts will vary depending on your skin type and how well you care for your mehndi design.

The mehndi stain will last for several days, and will eventually fade naturally. The length of time the stain lasts will vary depending on your skin type and how well you care for your mehndi design.

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