Tips for Online courses, a boon or a bane?

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What are the online courses? Why do people opt for it? It is user-friendly? It is good for understanding? Is it budget-friendly? And most importantly a boon or a bane for this new generation on the internet? Here are some Tips for Online courses, a boon or a bane:

  • Online courses are courses provided by different websites on various topics for free or paid. They cover various topics starting from cooking to coding to acting. They are in the form of videos, quizzes, tests, etc. Generally, you have to get enrolled in a particular course and a certified certification is provided at the end of the completion of the course. Nowadays online courses are very popular and are greatly opted by every age group.

But the question which arises is that are the online courses a boon or a bane.


Online courses nowadays are business for companies. There are so many companies providing online courses on their website, it has become somewhat a profit business rather than helping out the community. People are attracted to easy learning and easy certification that rather than real-life classes they prefer online courses. And sometimes due to these online courses, students are not taking their day to day education seriously, which is a shame. Due to the provision of these online courses students, especially the College going, youth do not take classes seriously and rely highly on these courses provided online.

Online courses are many times proven to be a short cut technique and due to this, the knowledge of students is restricted to some extent. And also practical and physical learning for students is very important for learning. Due to excessive exposure to screen sometimes students get their eyes and spine affected which damages their posture permanently.


But with all the shortcomings and disadvantages there are a lot of advantages out there. Due to these online courses, people have Easy Excess to various courses just by seating at their residence. Various courses are just a click far. Generally, the courses provided are costly when we search them in the real world and travelling is also time-consuming but these online courses are such Time And Money Saviours. And there are so many things to take from, so vast. One can pursue a completely different interest then what they are doing in their life. For example, a construction engineer can pursue their passion for coding and a cook can pursue their passion for Marketing.


Online courses have been developed so well for the past few years, users are there from all around the globe with different backgrounds, languages used and culture. It has definitely changed the point of view of learning. These online courses help the customers develop new skills that are helpful in their professional life as well as in their day to day life.


Designing of these courses is done very precisely and human-friendly by the specialists. It is done by keeping in mind all the levels of learners from beginners to advance level. They are easy to use, very less complex and precise. The concepts of data science and blockchain are used to design the courses. Data science is a multidisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining and big data. Blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block.


Marketing of these courses is done through various mediums such as WhatsApp, telegram, other social media networks, newspapers, advertisements, broadcasts, prints in books, television, banners, etc. This is done to attract crowds from all the age groups starting from school going students to working-class adults. There are marketing internships provided by these online courses providing companies where the interns have to get students enrolled for the various course they provide. A lot of tips for online courses are efforts are required for marketing and few companies are doing it so well that they are known worldwide for their courses and their customer tally is very large.

Scope for people

These online courses have given a great platform to tutors out all over the world. People who like to teach can use it as a medium, be it part-time teaching or full time. Online courses are also a source of income for many individuals. And in this mode tutors can reach out to a large mass easily as there is no travelling. Someone seating in India can teach someone seated in Australia, that is the knowledge is reached out to the needy without much work. And it is always an easy mode of learning.

So, online courses are a blessing until you use them wisely and anything which is used out of limit tips is harmful so are courses. And due to these courses, we should not forget our old methods of education and these courses should be used to strengthen rather than misusage.

Keep learning, keep exploring!!

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