Ron DeSantis: Governor Policies, Immigration Policy

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Ron DeSantis is an American politician who has served as the governor of Florida since January 2019. Born on September 14, 1978, in Jacksonville, Florida, DeSantis is a member of the Republican Party. Before entering politics, he had a distinguished military career.


Ron DeSantis Biography

Ronald Dion DeSantis, born September 14, 1978, is the current Governor of Florida and a leading figure in the American Republican Party. Here’s a brief overview of his life and career:

Early Life and Education:

  • Born in Jacksonville, Florida, and raised in Dunedin.
  • Graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in History (magna cum laude) and played baseball for the varsity team.
  • Earned a J.D. (cum laude) from Harvard Law School and served as business manager for the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

Military Service:

  • Served as a JAG officer in the U.S. Navy from 2004 to 2010.
  • Deployed to Iraq and served at Guantanamo Bay.
  • Awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service.

Political Career:

  • Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida’s 6th district in 2012, serving until 2018.
  • Known for his strong conservative views on immigration, national security, and fiscal policy.
  • Aligned himself with former President Donald Trump and became a rising star in the Republican Party.

Governor of Florida:

  • Elected governor in 2018, narrowly defeating Andrew Gillum.
  • Has focused on economic growth, environmental protection, and education reform.
  • Gained national attention for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, adopting a more relaxed approach compared to other states.
  • Signed controversial legislation restricting voting rights and limiting the teaching of certain topics in schools.

2024 Presidential Campaign:

  • Widely considered a potential contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.
  • Seen as a strong fundraiser and grassroots organizer.
  • Holds views similar to Donald Trump but has distanced himself from some of his more extreme positions.

Personal Life:

  • Married to Casey DeSantis, a former television host.
  • They have three children.


  • DeSantis’ policies and actions have been both praised and criticized.
  • Supporters admire his conservative stance and focus on economic growth.
  • Critics argue that his policies are discriminatory and harmful to certain groups of people.

Governor Ron DeSantis Policies

Governor Ron DeSantis has implemented a wide range of policies during his time in office, spanning various areas like the economy, education, healthcare, and the environment. Here’s a brief overview of some of his key policies, along with their impact and reception:


  • Tax cuts: DeSantis has championed tax cuts for businesses and individuals, reducing the state’s corporate income tax rate and offering tax breaks for homeowners and families. This has been praised by businesses and some taxpayers for boosting economic growth, but critics argue it deprives the state of revenue needed for public services.
  • Job creation: Florida has seen significant job growth under DeSantis’ leadership, with the unemployment rate falling to record lows. He attributes this to his pro-business policies and focus on attracting new businesses to the state. However, critics argue that many of the new jobs are low-wage and lack benefits.


  • “Don’t Say Gay” law: This controversial law restricts classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. Supporters say it protects young children from inappropriate topics, while opponents argue it discriminates against LGBTQ+ students and their families.
  • Parental rights in education: DeSantis has signed laws giving parents more control over their children’s education, including the ability to opt their children out of certain lessons and choose their child’s school. This has been popular with some parents but criticized by teachers and education advocates who worry it will lead to censorship and unequal access to quality education.


  • COVID-19 response: DeSantis has taken a more relaxed approach to COVID-19 restrictions compared to other states, opting against mask mandates and lockdowns. This has made him popular with some Floridians but criticized by public health experts who argue it has contributed to the state’s high infection and death rates.
  • Abortion restrictions: DeSantis has signed laws restricting abortion access in Florida, including a recent ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. This aligns with his conservative views on abortion but has been met with protests and legal challenges from abortion rights advocates.

Ron DeSantis and COVID-19 Response

  • Early Restrictions: Initially, DeSantis followed similar measures to other states, imposing lockdowns and closing schools in March 2020. He expanded testing capacity and restricted nursing home visitors.
  • Shifting Approach: After a few months, DeSantis shifted towards a more relaxed approach. He lifted restrictions quickly, opposed mask mandates, and focused on individual responsibility.
  • Promotion of Early Treatment: DeSantis advocated for the use of early treatment medications like hydroxychloroquine, despite limited scientific evidence for their effectiveness against COVID-19. He later retracted his support for such medications.
  • Focus on Economy and Schools: DeSantis kept businesses and schools open throughout the pandemic, prioritizing economic activity and in-person learning. This contrasted with stricter measures in other states.
  • Opposition to Vaccine Mandates: DeSantis banned vaccine mandates for private businesses and state employees, aligning himself with vaccine skepticism within certain GOP circles.

Ron DeSantis vs. National Politics

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has become a prominent figure in national politics, often aligning himself with conservative stances on various issues. His policies and actions have garnered both praise and criticism, sparking debates about their impact and his potential role on the national stage. Here’s a look at some key areas where DeSantis navigates the national landscape:

Culture Wars:

  • Education: DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” law, restricting discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, has ignited national debate. While supporters view it as protecting children, critics see it as discriminatory against LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Voting Rights: His signing of legislation tightening voting regulations has been met with accusations of voter suppression, particularly targeting Black voters. Supporters argue it strengthens election integrity, while critics see it as disenfranchisement.

Economic Policy:

  • Tax Cuts: DeSantis’ championing of tax cuts for businesses and individuals aligns with Republican economic priorities. He argues this boosts economic growth, while critics raise concerns about sacrificing revenue for public services.
  • Minimum Wage: His opposition to raising the minimum wage clashes with progressive Democrats who advocate for worker rights and income equality.

Ron DeSantis and Education Reform

Governor Ron DeSantis has made education reform a central focus of his time in office, implementing a series of policies that have sparked intense debate across the country. Some see him as a champion for parental rights and academic rigor, while others criticize his initiatives as discriminatory and harmful to public education. Let’s delve into some key aspects of his education reform agenda:

Focus on Parental Rights:

  • “Don’t Say Gay” Law: This controversial law restricts classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. Supporters argue it protects young children from inappropriate topics, while opponents condemn it as discriminatory against LGBTQ+ students and their families.
  • Parental Bill of Rights in Education: This law grants parents broad rights to review curricula, object to specific materials, and opt their children out of certain lessons. Proponents view it as empowering parents, while critics fear it will lead to censorship and unequal access to quality education.

Academic Rigor and Choice:

  • Standardized Testing: DeSantis has increased the use of standardized testing in Florida schools, aiming to raise academic standards and hold schools accountable. Advocates believe this promotes achievement, while critics argue it creates undue pressure and overlooks other important measures of success.
  • School Choice Expansion: He has expanded school choice options through programs like charter schools and education savings accounts, allowing parents to direct public funds towards private or homeschool education. Supporters believe this empowers parents and fosters competition, while opponents worry it diverts resources from public schools and exacerbates socioeconomic disparities.

Teacher and Curriculum Controversies:

  • Teacher Morale: Many educators have expressed concerns about the impact of DeSantis’ policies on their profession, citing low morale due to increased scrutiny and reduced autonomy. This raises concerns about teacher retention and the overall quality of education.
  • Curriculum Restrictions: DeSantis has also faced criticism for his attempts to influence curriculum content, including proposals to limit discussions of race and critical race theory in schools. Critics argue this stifles academic freedom and whitewashes history.

Ron DeSantis and Environmental Policies

Conservation and Restoration:

  • Investing in Everglades Restoration: DeSantis has allocated record funding for Everglades restoration projects, exceeding previous administrations’ commitments. This prioritizes a crucial ecosystem facing water quality and ecological challenges.
  • Combating Red Tide: He has also committed resources to combatting red tide algae blooms, addressing a major environmental and public health concern plaguing Florida’s coasts.
  • Water Quality Initiatives: DeSantis has implemented programs to improve water quality in Florida’s springs and waterways, tackling pollution issues that threaten biodiversity and drinking water sources.

Promoting Development and Industry:

  • Opposing Federal Regulations: DeSantis has taken a stance against federal environmental regulations, particularly those restricting offshore drilling and development on public lands. He argues these regulations hinder economic growth and energy independence.
  • Simplifying Permitting Process: He has streamlined the environmental permitting process for infrastructure and development projects, aiming to expedite economic activity. Critics fear this could weaken environmental safeguards.
  • Promoting Nuclear Energy: DeSantis has expressed support for expanding nuclear energy as a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, though concerns remain about radioactive waste disposal and potential accidents.

Controversial Decisions:

  • Apalachicola Bay Drilling: DeSantis allowed exploratory oil drilling in the ecologically sensitive Apalachicola Bay, despite objections from environmentalists and local communities worried about potential oil spills and damage to the ecosystem.
  • Weakening Local Environmental Authority: He signed legislation limiting local governments’ ability to enact stricter environmental regulations than the state, raising concerns about reduced environmental protection at the community level.
  • Climate Change Stance: DeSantis has downplayed the threat of climate change, rejecting calls for carbon emission reduction targets and withdrawing Florida from the Paris Agreement on climate change. This stance aligns with his conservative base but contradicts the scientific consensus on climate change’s urgency.

Ron DeSantis and Economy Boost

  • Tax Cuts: DeSantis has championed tax cuts for businesses and individuals, reducing the state’s corporate income tax rate and offering tax breaks for homeowners and families. Supporters argue this attracts businesses and stimulates economic activity.
  • Regulatory Reform: He has streamlined regulations for businesses, aiming to reduce administrative burdens and encourage investment. This aligns with Republican economic priorities but raises concerns about environmental and consumer protection.
  • Job Growth: Florida has seen significant job growth under DeSantis, with the unemployment rate falling to record lows. Proponents attribute this to his pro-business policies and focus on attracting new businesses.
  • Tourism Industry: The Florida tourism industry has rebounded strongly from the pandemic, benefiting from relaxed COVID-19 restrictions and the state’s warm climate. However, critics argue this dependence on tourism is vulnerable to economic fluctuations and may not provide stable, high-wage jobs.

Ron DeSantis and Second Amendment

  • DeSantis consistently voices his support for the Second Amendment and often frames his policies as upholding the right to bear arms. He views gun ownership as essential for self-defense and individual liberty.

He has signed numerous bills expanding gun rights in Florida, including:

    • Constitutional Carry: This law allows Floridians to carry concealed firearms without a permit, a major victory for gun rights supporters.
    • Preemption Laws: These laws limit cities and counties from enacting stricter gun control measures than the state, further solidifying gun rights at the state level.
    • “Stand Your Ground” Law: This law expands the defense of justifiable homicide, raising concerns about its potential to encourage gun violence.

Opposition to Gun Control Measures:

  • DeSantis strongly opposes federal gun control efforts, criticizing proposals like bans on assault weapons and universal background checks. He argues these infringe on Second Amendment rights and wouldn’t effectively prevent mass shootings.
  • He has vetoed attempts by Florida lawmakers to enact stricter gun control measures, like red flag laws that allow temporary firearm removal from individuals deemed a danger to themselves or others.

Focus on Mental Health and School Safety:

  • While emphasizing gun rights, DeSantis also acknowledges the importance of addressing mental health concerns and improving school safety to prevent mass shootings. He has championed increased funding for mental health services and school security measures.
  • However, critics argue that his focus on these aspects falls short of implementing effective gun control measures that could directly address the issue of gun violence.


In conclusion, Ron DeSantis stands as a prominent figure in American politics, particularly as the governor of Florida since 2019. His background as a military officer, coupled with his education from prestigious institutions like Yale and Harvard, has shaped his journey into politics.

DeSantis’s tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives and subsequent election as governor have been marked by a commitment to conservative principles. His policies on issues ranging from environmental conservation and education reform to his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have garnered both support and criticism.


Ron DeSantis is a member of the Republican Party.


Governor DeSantis has focused on initiatives related to environmental protection, education reform, handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic growth, and support for Second Amendment rights.


Before his political career, Ron DeSantis had a military background, serving as a JAG officer in the U.S. Navy, and he had a legal education from Yale University and Harvard Law School.


DeSantis implemented various strategies, emphasizing a balanced approach between public health measures and economic concerns. His policies included vaccination distribution, mask mandates, and reopening plans.


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