Ranchi Weather: Today Temperature

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In Ranchi today, a crisp, clear sky reigns supreme, painted with a canvas of sunshine. The air holds a gentle bite, with temperatures hovering around 21°C (70°F), offering a refreshing escape from the summer’s heat. A light 14 km/h north wind whispers through the leaves, adding a touch of movement to the otherwise still picture. While the sun’s energy is undeniable, don’t underestimate its power – a high UV index of 6 urges you to don sunscreen for any outdoor adventures. Overall, Ranchi presents a picture-perfect day, perfect for soaking up the sun and enjoying the city’s vibrant charm.

Introduction to Ranchi Weather

As the sun climbs high, Ranchi throws on a vibrant straw hat, basking in the warmth of temperatures that flirt with 38°C. Bustling markets buzz with life, and hidden waterfalls beckon with the promise of cool respite. Evenings, however, offer a refreshing dip in temperature, inviting you to wander through the city’s vibrant streets under a canopy of stars.

When the monsoon arrives, Ranchi trades its straw hat for a lush, emerald turban. Rain becomes the conductor, orchestrating a symphony of thunder and downpours that paint the hills in vibrant greens. The air hums with humidity, and temperatures settle to a comfortable 25°C. This is a season for cozy evenings, listening to raindrops dance on windowpanes and losing yourself in the earthy scent of petrichor.

Ranchi Weather

Ranchi Weather: Today

Time Temperature (°C) Temperature (°F) Conditions Wind UV Index
Morning (6 AM) 12 54 Hazy Light breeze from the north 5 (Moderate)
Mid-Morning (10 AM) 18 64 Mostly sunny Light breeze from the north 7 (High)
Noon (1 PM) 22 72 Sunny Light breeze from the north 8 (Very High)
Afternoon (3 PM) 21 70 Sunny Light breeze from the north 7 (High)
Evening (6 PM) 16 61 Hazy Light breeze from the north 4 (Moderate)
Night (9 PM) 10 50 Clear skies Light breeze from the north 1 (Low)

Ranchi Unique Climatic Zones

Ranchi, being the capital city of Jharkhand in eastern India, features a unique blend of climatic zones. The city experiences a subtropical climate, characterized by distinct seasons throughout the year.

  1. Summer (March to June): Summers in Ranchi are typically warm, with temperatures often reaching high levels. During this period, residents and visitors can expect relatively high temperatures, but extreme heat is usually mitigated by the city’s elevation and the surrounding forests.
  2. Monsoon (June to September): The monsoon season in Ranchi brings heavy rainfall, transforming the landscape into lush greenery. The city receives a significant amount of precipitation during these months, contributing to the region’s overall water resources and agricultural activities.
  3. Post-Monsoon (October to November): After the monsoon season, Ranchi experiences a transitional period characterized by decreasing rainfall. The weather becomes more pleasant, and temperatures begin to cool down, leading up to the winter season.
  4. Winter (December to February): Winters in Ranchi are relatively cool, with mild temperatures. While the city doesn’t typically face extreme cold, especially compared to northern parts of India, residents may experience cooler evenings and mornings during this season.

Unraveling Ranchi Weather Patterns

Ranchi, the capital city of Jharkhand in eastern India, exhibits distinct weather patterns influenced by its geographical location and topography. The city experiences a subtropical climate, characterized by three primary seasons: summer, monsoon, and winter.

Summer (March to June): Ranchi’s summer is marked by warm temperatures, with daytime highs often reaching notable levels. The elevation of the city, along with its proximity to forested areas, helps temper extreme heat. However, residents and visitors can expect relatively warm weather during these months.

Monsoon (June to September): The monsoon season in Ranchi brings a significant amount of rainfall. The city’s green cover and hilly terrain contribute to the beauty of this season, with lush landscapes emerging as a result of the ample precipitation. The monsoon is crucial for replenishing water sources and supporting local agriculture.

Post-Monsoon (October to November): Following the monsoon, Ranchi experiences a transitional phase characterized by decreasing rainfall. This period sees a reduction in precipitation, leading to a gradual shift in weather conditions. Temperatures become more moderate, and the city enters a more comfortable climate.

Winter (December to February): Winters in Ranchi are relatively mild, with cool temperatures but not extreme cold. The city’s elevation contributes to the moderation of winter temperatures, making it a more temperate experience compared to some other parts of India. While daytime temperatures are generally comfortable, evenings and mornings may be cooler.

Factors Shaping Ranchi Weather

Several factors contribute to shaping the weather in Ranchi, creating a unique climatic experience. These factors include geographical location, elevation, and the influence of the Indian subcontinent’s larger weather systems. Here are key elements influencing Ranchi’s weather:

  1. Geographical Location: Ranchi is situated in the eastern part of India, and its weather is influenced by its proximity to the Bay of Bengal. The city’s location plays a crucial role in determining the moisture-laden air masses that contribute to the monsoon rains during the wet season
  2. Elevation: Ranchi is situated at a higher elevation compared to many other cities in India. The elevated terrain helps moderate extreme temperatures, particularly during the summer months. This elevation contributes to the city’s relatively cooler and more comfortable climate.
  3. Topography: The hilly terrain surrounding Ranchi influences local weather patterns. It can impact wind flows, precipitation distribution, and temperature gradients. The presence of forests and green cover in the region also adds to the overall microclimate, affecting temperature and humidity levels.
  4. Monsoon Influence: Ranchi experiences a distinct monsoon season, characterized by heavy rainfall. The Bay of Bengal, which lies to the southeast, plays a significant role in supplying moisture-laden air masses that lead to the monsoon rains. The city’s location in the rain shadow of the Chota Nagpur Plateau affects the amount of precipitation it receives.
  5. Continental Climate Influence: Ranchi, being in the central part of the Indian subcontinent, experiences a blend of maritime and continental influences. While the Bay of Bengal provides moisture, the city’s central location means it also encounters continental air masses, contributing to variations in temperature and weather conditions.

How Weather Shapes Lifestyle

Weather plays a significant role in shaping lifestyle, influencing various aspects of daily routines, activities, and social behaviors. Here are some ways in which weather impacts lifestyle:

  1. Clothing Choices: Weather conditions, such as temperature and precipitation, directly influence clothing choices. In colder climates, individuals may wear layers, jackets, and warm accessories, while in warmer climates, lighter and breathable clothing is preferred. Rainy or snowy weather may necessitate waterproof or insulated attire.
  2. Outdoor Activities: Weather conditions affect outdoor activities and recreational pursuits. Sunny and pleasant weather often encourages people to engage in outdoor sports, picnics, and social gatherings. On the other hand, extreme temperatures, storms, or heavy rainfall may limit outdoor activities or require adjustments to plans.
  3. Commute and Transportation: Different weather conditions impact transportation and commuting patterns. Snowstorms, heavy rain, or extreme heat can affect road conditions and public transportation, potentially leading to delays or changes in commuting routes and methods.
  4. Energy Consumption: Weather influences energy consumption patterns. In colder climates, heating systems are used more frequently, while in hotter climates, air conditioning may be essential. Seasonal variations impact energy bills and can influence lifestyle choices related to home comfort.
  5. Culinary Preferences: Weather often influences food preferences. Cooler weather may inspire cravings for warm and hearty meals, while hot weather may lead to a preference for lighter, refreshing foods. Seasonal produce availability also shapes dietary choices.
  6. Social Interaction: Weather can impact social interactions and community engagement. Pleasant weather often encourages outdoor events, festivals, and social gatherings, fostering a sense of community. Inclement weather, on the other hand, may lead to more indoor activities and a potential decrease in social events.
  7. Health and Well-being: Weather conditions can influence health and well-being. Seasonal changes may affect mood and energy levels. Exposure to sunlight is linked to vitamin D production and overall well-being. Extreme weather events can pose health risks and impact mental health.

Future Forecasting for Ranchi

Ranchi, a city of vibrant contrasts and diverse climatic experiences, invites us to peek into its future weather patterns. Building on the anticipation of what lies ahead, this article provides a comprehensive look at Ranchi’s weather, forecasting short-term, mid-term, and long-term scenarios. Whether you’re a local planning your week or a visitor preparing for a journey, this detailed weather guide will keep you one step ahead.

Sort Term (Next 7 Days)

17-19 December: Sunny Skies and Mild Temps The week kicks off with Ranchi adorned in sunshine, offering mild temperatures ranging from highs of 22-23°C to lows of 9-10°C. Perfect conditions for carefree exploration without the worry of rain.

20-21 December: Continuing Sunshine and Pleasant Warmth As we progress into the week, expect a continuation of sunny days and pleasant weather. Daytime highs reach 23-24°C, and the nights maintain a similar pattern. Ideal for outdoor activities and basking in the winter sun

Mid Term (Next 2 Weeks)

22-26 December: Dry Spell and Consistent Temperatures The dry spell persists, bringing forth sunny skies and unwavering temperatures. Daytime highs linger between 22-24°C, while nighttime temperatures remain steady at 9-11°C. Pack light layers for comfortable sightseeing.

27-28 December: Slight Dip with Clear Skies Towards the end of the two-week forecast, a slight dip in temperature is possible, with highs of 21-23°C. However, the skies continue to remain clear. Consider adding a light jacket for early mornings and evenings.


Ranchi’s weather is characterized by a subtropical climate with distinct seasons. Factors such as its geographical location, elevation, and proximity to the Bay of Bengal contribute to the unique weather patterns experienced in the region. Summers bring warmth, mitigated by the city’s elevation, while the monsoon season witnesses heavy rainfall, transforming the landscape into lush greenery. Winters are relatively mild, with cool temperatures. The city’s diverse climatic influences create a dynamic environment, impacting clothing choices, outdoor activities, and overall lifestyle. Staying attuned to Ranchi’s weather patterns allows residents and visitors to adapt and make informed decisions for a comfortable and enjoyable experience in this vibrant city.


Summers in Ranchi are characterized by warm temperatures, with daytime highs ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius (77 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit).

The monsoon season in Ranchi usually spans from June to September, bringing heavy rainfall to the region.

Winter temperatures in Ranchi are relatively mild, with nighttime lows ranging from 5 to 10 degrees Celsius (41 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit).

Ranchi generally avoids extreme weather conditions, but it can occasionally experience heavy rainfall during the monsoon season.

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