Weather oxnard: Humidity-Wind-Cloud cover

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The weather details for Oxnard, California.

Current weather:

  • Temperature: 13°C
  • Humidity: 61%
  • Wind: 13 km/h from the northwest
  • UV index: 0
  • Feels like: 12°C
  • Cloud cover: Clear

Tonight’s forecast:

  • Temperature: 12°C
  • Humidity: 71%
  • Wind: 11 km/h from the north
  • UV index: 0
  • Cloud cover: Mostly cloudy
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Oxnard Weather Today: Clear Skies and Mild Temperatures

Oxnard residents are enjoying a beautiful day with clear skies and mild temperatures. The current temperature is a comfortable 13°C, with a humidity level of 61%. A gentle northwesterly breeze is blowing at 13 km/h. With the UV index at 0, there’s no need to worry about sunburn today. The “feels like” temperature is a pleasant 12°C, making it a perfect day to be outdoors.

The clear skies are expected to continue through the night, with temperatures dropping slightly to 12°C. The humidity will increase to 71%, but the wind will remain light, blowing from the north at 11 km/h.

Tomorrow promises to be another beautiful day with mostly sunny skies and a high of 22°C. However, the lows will dip down to a chilly 8°C, so you may want to pack a light jacket or sweater for the evening.

The rest of the week looks mostly sunny with a slight chance of rain on Thursday. Highs will be in the low to mid 20s, and lows will be in the mid to upper teens.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful weather in Oxnard!

Tonight's Forecast: Mostly Cloudy with a Low of 12°C

Tonight in Oxnard, the skies will be mostly cloudy, with a low of 12°C. The humidity will be slightly higher than today, at 71%, but the wind will remain light, blowing from the north at 11 km/h. The UV index will be 0, so you can relax without worrying about sunburn.

While the clouds may block the stars tonight, they will also help to keep the temperatures mild. The low of 12°C is a few degrees warmer than the average for this time of year, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to stay comfortable.

Here are some tips for staying comfortable tonight:

  • Wear warm clothes: If you feel cold easily, you may want to wear layers of clothing to bed.
  • Use a blanket: A cozy blanket can help to trap warmth and keep you comfortable.
  • Drink warm beverages: A warm drink like tea or hot cocoa can help to raise your body temperature.
  • Take a warm bath or shower: This can be a great way to relax and warm up before bed.

I hope you have a comfortable and restful night!

Tomorrow's Forecast: Sunny Skies with a High of 22°C

Get ready for a gorgeous day tomorrow in Oxnard! Clear skies and sunshine will dominate the forecast, with temperatures reaching a comfortable high of 22°C.

The humidity will remain moderate at 50% during the day, dropping to a more comfortable 30% in the evening. A gentle breeze is expected from the northwest at 14 km/h, adding to the pleasant atmosphere.

With a UV index of 3, don’t forget to apply sunscreen if you plan on spending extended time outdoors.

Here are some ideas for enjoying tomorrow’s beautiful weather:

  • Head to the beach: The warm sun and clear skies are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, or playing beach games.
  • Have a picnic in the park: Enjoy the outdoors and delicious food surrounded by nature.
  • Go for a hike or bike ride: The fresh air and exercise will be invigorating.
  • Explore Oxnard’s downtown: Enjoy the shops, restaurants, and lively atmosphere.
  • Simply relax and enjoy the sunshine: Take some time to unwind and appreciate the beautiful weather.

No Rain Expected This Week

Good news for Oxnard residents! No rain is expected this week. The forecast predicts mostly sunny skies with highs in the low to mid 20s and lows in the mid to upper teens.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the forecast:

Today: Clear skies, mild temperatures, high of 13°C, low of 12°C. Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low of 12°C. Tomorrow: Sunny skies, warm temperatures, high of 22°C, low of 8°C. Rest of the week: Mostly sunny with a slight chance of rain on Thursday.

This dry spell is a welcome change from the recent California weather patterns. It gives residents a chance to enjoy outdoor activities without worrying about rain.

Here are some ideas for enjoying the dry weather this week:

  • Head to the beach: Soak up the sun and enjoy the sand between your toes.
  • Have a picnic in the park: Relax and enjoy a meal outdoors.
  • Go for a hike or bike ride: Explore the beautiful scenery around Oxnard.
  • Visit a local farmers market: Find fresh, local produce and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Have a backyard barbecue: Gather with friends and family for a fun outdoor gathering.

Slight Chance of Rain on Thursday

While most of the week in Oxnard is looking sunny and bright, there’s a slight chance of rain on Thursday.

Here’s a breakdown of the forecast:

  • Today: Clear skies, mild temperatures, high of 13°C, low of 12°C.
  • Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low of 12°C.
  • Tomorrow: Sunny skies, warm temperatures, high of 22°C, low of 8°C.
  • Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high of 21°C, low of 9°C.
  • Thursday: Partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain, high of 19°C, low of 11°C.
  • Friday: Partly cloudy, high of 20°C, low of 12°C.
  • Saturday: Partly cloudy, high of 22°C, low of 13°C.

While the chance of rain on Thursday is small, it’s still a good idea to be prepared. Consider checking the latest weather forecast before heading out and carrying an umbrella or raincoat just in case.

Even with the slight chance of rain, the rest of the week looks beautiful and perfect for enjoying the outdoors. Here are some ideas for your week:

  • Head to the beach: Soak up the sun and enjoy the sand between your toes on the sunny days.
  • Have a picnic in the park: Relax and enjoy a meal outdoors.
  • Go for a hike or bike ride: Explore the beautiful scenery around Oxnard.
  • Visit a local farmers market: Find fresh, local produce and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Have a backyard barbecue: Gather with friends and family for a fun outdoor gathering.
  • Enjoy indoor activities: If it does rain on Thursday, there are plenty of fun things to do indoors like visiting museums, watching movies, or playing games.

Precipitation: 0% chance for the rest of the week

Oxnard residents, rejoice! Your skies will be clear and bright for the rest of the week, with a 0% chance of precipitation! This means you can put away your umbrellas and raincoats and enjoy all that the outdoors has to offer.

Here’s a quick look at the forecast for the coming days:

  • Today: Clear skies, mild temperatures, high of 13°C, low of 12°C.
  • Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low of 12°C.
  • Tomorrow: Sunny skies, warm temperatures, high of 22°C, low of 8°C.
  • Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high of 21°C, low of 9°C.
  • Thursday: Partly cloudy, high of 19°C, low of 11°C.
  • Friday: Partly cloudy, high of 20°C, low of 12°C.
  • Saturday: Partly cloudy, high of 22°C, low of 13°C.
  • Sunday: Mostly sunny, high of 19°C, low of 10°C.

With no rain in sight, there are endless possibilities for enjoying your time in Oxnard. Here are a few ideas:

Outdoor Activities:

  • Beach Bliss: Soak up the sun and enjoy the sand between your toes at one of Oxnard’s beautiful beaches.
  • Hiking Adventures: Explore the stunning scenery on a hike through one of the many trails around Oxnard.
  • Biking Bonanza: Take a leisurely bike ride along the coast or through the charming streets of Oxnard.
  • Picnic Perfection: Pack a delicious picnic and enjoy a relaxing meal in one of Oxnard’s many parks.

Indoor Activities:

  • Museum Mania: Visit one of Oxnard’s many museums, such as the Museum of Ventura County or the Channel Islands Maritime Museum.
  • Movie Magic: Catch a movie at the historic Majestic Ventura Theatre or one of the other cinemas in Oxnard.
  • Game On: Enjoy some friendly competition at an arcade or bowling alley.
  • Shopping Spree: Browse the shops in downtown Oxnard or one of the many shopping centers.

Wind: 13 km/h from the northwest

The wind in Oxnard is currently blowing from the northwest at a gentle 13 km/h. This light wind is a pleasant addition to the clear skies and warm temperatures in Oxnard.

The northwesterly wind direction is typical for this time of year in Oxnard. This is due to the prevailing wind patterns in the Pacific Ocean, which bring air from the north towards the California coast.

The wind speed of 13 km/h is considered light. It is unlikely to cause any major disruptions or affect outdoor activities. However, it may be noticeable to people who are walking or cycling.

Here are some things to keep in mind about the wind in Oxnard:

  • The wind can be stronger along the coast than inland.
  • The wind can change direction and speed quickly, so it is always a good idea to be prepared.
  • The wind can carry dust and pollen, so be aware of allergies.
  • The wind can help to cool you down on a hot day.

Overall, the wind in Oxnard is a pleasant and refreshing addition to the weather. It is a reminder of the natural beauty and power of the ocean.

Tonight's Forecast: Mostly Cloudy

Tonight in Oxnard, the skies will be mostly cloudy, offering a chance to admire the twinkling stars peeking through the clouds at times. The temperature will drop to a comfortable 12°C, making it a good night to cozy up under a blanket.

The humidity will slightly increase to 71%, and a gentle north wind will blow at 11 km/h, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Here are some tips for enjoying a relaxing night in Oxnard:

  • Stargazing: If the clouds part, head outside and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the night sky.
  • Reading a book: Curl up with a good book and enjoy the peace and quiet.
  • Listening to music: Put on some soothing music and let your worries melt away.
  • Taking a hot bath or shower: Relax your muscles and warm up before bed.
  • Drinking a warm beverage: Enjoy a cup of tea or hot cocoa to help you unwind.


Oxnard is currently experiencing clear skies with a temperature of 13°C. The humidity is 61%, and the wind is blowing from the northwest at 13 km/h. The UV index is 0.

Tonight, the forecast is for mostly cloudy skies with a low of 12°C. The humidity will increase to 71%, and the wind will shift to the north at 11 km/h.

Tomorrow, Oxnard residents can expect sunny skies with a high of 22°C. The humidity will be moderate, ranging from 50% during the day to 30% at night. A gentle breeze from the northwest is expected.

No rain is expected for the rest of the week, with mostly sunny skies and highs in the low to mid 20s. There is a slight chance of rain on Thursday, but the chance is very low.

The current weather conditions are ideal for enjoying outdoor activities. The wind is light, and the UV index is low. However, be sure to pack a light jacket or sweater for the evening as the temperature will drop.

Tonight will be a good night for stargazing or simply relaxing indoors. The mostly cloudy skies will offer a chance to admire the twinkling stars, while the comfortable temperature will make it a good night to cozy up under a blanket.

Overall, the weather in Oxnard is looking beautiful for the rest of the week. So get out there and enjoy it!


There is a slight chance of rain on Thursday, but the chance is very low.


The highs will be in the low to mid 20s, and the lows will be in the mid to upper teens.

You can find more information about the weather in Oxnard on the websites of the National Weather Service and AccuWeather.

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