what is the weather today: San Francisco-Skies

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The weather in San Francisco is:


  • Temperature: 10°C (50°F)
  • Feels like: 9°C (48°F) due to windchill
  • Humidity: 64%
  • Wind: 5 km/h (3 mph) from the northeast
  • UV index: 0 (low)
  • Skies: Clear


  • Low: 8°C (46°F)
  • Skies: Clear
  • Precipitation: No rain expected


  • High: 16°C (61°F)
  • Low: 6°C (43°F)
  • Skies: Partly cloudy
  • Precipitation: A low chance of rain
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Clear Skies and Mild Temperatures in San Francisco Today

San Francisco residents are greeted with a delightful day as clear skies and mild temperatures paint the city with sunshine. The current temperature remains comfortable at around 10°C (50°F), making it ideal for spending time outdoors.

Highlights of Today’s Weather:

  • Sun-kissed Skies: Enjoy the beautiful sunshine without clouds blocking the radiant light.
  • Pleasant Temperatures: The comfortable temperature range allows for outdoor activities without feeling too hot or cold.
  • Low UV Risk: The minimal UV index ensures minimal risk of sunburn, but sunscreen is still recommended for extended sun exposure.
  • Gentle Breezes: Light winds add a refreshing touch to the day, creating a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Ideal Outdoor Conditions: The combination of clear skies, mild temperatures, and low humidity provides perfect conditions for enjoying the outdoors.

Make the Most of the Perfect Weather:

  • Explore the Golden Gate Bridge: Take a walk or bike ride across the iconic bridge and admire the breathtaking views of the bay.
  • Relax in Golden Gate Park: Enjoy a picnic, stroll through the gardens, or visit the Japanese Tea Garden.
  • Visit Alcatraz Island: Take a ferry to the infamous prison and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Shop at Ferry Building Marketplace: Explore the variety of local food and crafts offered at this waterfront market.
  • Dine at a Restaurant with Outdoor Seating: Soak up the sunshine and enjoy a delicious meal with a view.

Low UV Index: Enjoy the Sunshine Without Sunscreen

San Francisco basks in the sunshine today with a low UV index of 0. This means you can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about sunburn, even without sunscreen. The clear skies and comfortable temperatures create the perfect setting for spending time under the sun’s warm rays.

Benefits of the Low UV Index:

  • Enhanced Vitamin D Production: Sunlight exposure helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune function.
  • Improved Mood: Sunlight exposure can boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Increased Sleep Quality: Sunlight helps regulate our circadian rhythm, leading to better sleep quality.

Enjoy the Sunshine Safely:

  • While sunscreen isn’t necessary today, it’s still important to be sun-smart. Wear sunglasses and protective clothing, especially if you’ll be outdoors for extended periods.
  • Seek shade during the midday hours, when the sun’s rays are strongest.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

With the low UV index and beautiful weather, there’s no reason not to get out and enjoy the sunshine in San Francisco today!

Light Wind Provides Refreshing Touch to San Francisco's Weather

As San Francisco revels in today’s clear skies and sunshine, a gentle breeze further enhances the city’s charm. The light wind, blowing at around 5 kilometers per hour from the northeast, adds a refreshing touch to the mild temperatures, making it even more pleasant to be outdoors.

Benefits of the Light Wind:

  • Increased Comfort: The breeze helps regulate body temperature, making it feel more comfortable even with the sunshine.
  • Improved Air Quality: The wind helps disperse pollutants and creates a more breathable atmosphere.
  • Enhanced Sensory Experience: The gentle rustling of leaves and the sound of wind chimes add a delightful element to the overall outdoor experience.

Activities to Enjoy the Light Breeze:

  • Go for a walk or bike ride: Feel the wind on your face as you explore the city’s many paths and trails.
  • Sail on the Bay: Experience the thrill of sailing and enjoy the wind in your hair as you navigate the waters.
  • Fly a kite: Watch your kite soar in the sky carried by the light breeze.
  • Relax on a park bench: Close your eyes and listen to the peaceful sounds of the wind as you soak up the sunshine.

With the light breeze adding its own unique charm to the already beautiful weather, San Francisco offers an ideal setting for a perfect day outdoors.

Comfortable Humidity Levels for Outdoor Activities

San Francisco residents are lucky to enjoy comfortable humidity levels today, making it perfect for spending time outdoors. The current humidity of 64% falls within the ideal range for human comfort, ensuring you won’t feel too dry or sticky.

San Francisco Bathes in Sunshine: Perfect Day for Exploring the City

San Francisco residents rejoice! Today, the city basks in the warmth of sunshine, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures painting the day with an inviting atmosphere. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, this weather is an irresistible invitation to step outside and explore all that the city has to offer.

Highlights of Today’s Weather:

  • Clear Skies: No clouds to interrupt your view of the city’s iconic skyline and stunning natural landscapes.
  • Comfortable Temperatures: Enjoy the warmth of the sun without feeling overheated, ideal for outdoor activities.
  • Gentle Breeze: A light breeze adds a refreshing touch to the day, making it even more enjoyable to be outside.
  • Low UV Index: Less worry about sunburn, allowing you to enjoy the sunshine safely.

Explore the City’s Treasures:

  • Golden Gate Park: Immerse yourself in the park’s vast green space, wander through gardens, visit museums, or enjoy the scenic Japanese Tea Garden.
  • Golden Gate Bridge: Take a walk or bike ride across this iconic landmark, marveling at its engineering marvel and breathtaking views.
  • Alcatraz Island: Embark on a ferry ride to the infamous prison, learn about its history, and explore the island’s unique atmosphere.
  • Ferry Building Marketplace: Discover a haven of local artisans and farmers offering delicious food, handcrafted souvenirs, and vibrant market energy.
  • Twin Peaks: Hike to the summit for breathtaking panoramic views of the city bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun.
  • Chinatown: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and bustling atmosphere, exploring shops, restaurants, and temples.
  • Presidio: Explore this former military base, now a national park, offering stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge, historical structures, and scenic hiking trails.

With the sun shining and the weather perfect, San Francisco offers endless opportunities for outdoor adventures. Go for a walk, bike ride, picnic in the park, or simply sit back and enjoy the sunshine. This is a day to embrace the city’s beauty and create lasting memories.

Mild Temperatures Ideal for Picnic in the Park or Stroll Along the Bay

San Francisco’s delightful weather today, with its clear skies and mild temperatures, creates the perfect setting for a relaxing picnic in the park or a scenic stroll along the bay.

Ideal Picnic Conditions:

  • Comfort: The pleasant temperatures, hovering around 10°C (50°F), ensure you won’t feel too hot or cold while enjoying your picnic spread.
  • Sunshine: The clear skies provide ample sunshine for a pleasant outdoor experience, allowing you to soak up the warmth while enjoying your meal.
  • Gentle Breeze: The light wind adds a refreshing touch, keeping you comfortable and preventing the food from getting too hot.
  • Beautiful Scenery: San Francisco boasts numerous parks and gardens offering stunning backdrops for your picnic, from the sprawling Golden Gate Park to the charming Dolores Park.

Charming Bayside Stroll:

  • Pleasant Temperatures: The mild weather makes walking along the bay a comfortable experience, allowing you to enjoy the fresh air and sea breeze without feeling overheated or chilled.
  • Scenic Views: The bay offers breathtaking vistas of the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and the city skyline, making your stroll visually captivating.
  • Refreshing Atmosphere: The proximity to the water provides a cool and refreshing atmosphere, especially during the warmer hours of the day.
  • Pathways and Trails: San Francisco offers various waterfront paths and trails, allowing you to choose your preferred route and explore the bay at your own pace.

Embrace San Francisco’s Perfect Weather:

  • Pack your picnic basket: Prepare your favorite snacks and drinks and head to a park for a relaxing outdoor lunch under the sunshine.
  • Bring a blanket and book: Find a quiet spot in the park or on the waterfront and enjoy some reading time while absorbing the natural beauty.
  • Go for a bike ride: Explore the city’s numerous bike paths and trails, taking in the sights and enjoying the exercise.
  • Join a walking tour: Learn about San Francisco’s history and culture while enjoying the fresh air and stunning scenery.

With its pleasant temperatures and clear skies, San Francisco today provides the ideal backdrop for outdoor activities. Whether you choose a picnic in the park or a stroll along the bay, the city’s beauty and charm await your exploration.

Enjoy the Clear Skies Tonight for Stargazing and Relaxation

As the sun sets over San Francisco today, the city prepares for a spectacular night under a canopy of clear skies. With the absence of clouds and a low UV index, the stage is set for stargazing enthusiasts and anyone seeking a moment of peace and relaxation under the twinkling stars.

A Stargazer’s Paradise:

  • Unobstructed View: The clear skies offer an unimpeded view of the night sky, allowing you to witness the constellations and other celestial wonders in all their glory.
  • Minimal Light Pollution: San Francisco’s efforts to reduce light pollution ensure minimal interference with the natural nighttime sky, making it even easier to observe the stars.
  • Variety of Viewing Locations: From rooftops and parks to beaches and open spaces, San Francisco offers numerous options for finding the perfect stargazing spot.

A Moment of Tranquility:

  • Peaceful Atmosphere: The absence of clouds and the quiet of the night create a serene and peaceful atmosphere, ideal for relaxing and de-stressing.
  • Cool Temperatures: The nighttime temperatures in San Francisco are often cooler than during the day, making it comfortable to sit outside and enjoy the night air.
  • Scenic Backdrops: Whether you choose a rooftop overlooking the city skyline or a beach with the sound of waves crashing on the shore, San Francisco offers picturesque settings for a tranquil evening.

Mostly Sunny Week Ahead with Comfortable Temperatures in San Francisco

San Francisco residents can rejoice! The forecast for the coming week is mostly sunny with comfortable temperatures, offering a perfect opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities and explore all that the city has to offer.

Highlights of the Week’s Weather:

  • Predominantly Sunny Skies: Expect clear skies and sunshine throughout the week, with minimal chances of rain.
  • Pleasant Temperatures: Enjoy comfortable temperatures ranging from highs around 16°C (61°F) to lows around 8°C (46°F).
  • Low Humidity: The low humidity levels ensure a comfortable outdoor experience, preventing excessive sweating and discomfort.
  • Minimal Wind: Expect light and refreshing breezes throughout the week, adding a pleasant touch to the weather.

With a mostly sunny week ahead and comfortable temperatures, San Francisco invites you to step outside, explore its hidden gems, and create lasting memories. So grab your sunscreen, a hat, and a sense of adventure, and get ready for a week of outdoor fun!


In conclusion, San Francisco offers a truly enticing experience today with its clear skies, mild temperatures, and minimal wind. Whether you’re a local seeking outdoor adventures or a visitor exploring the city’s charm, this weather provides the perfect backdrop for a memorable day.

From picnics in the park to stargazing under a canopy of clear skies, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the sunshine, explore the city’s diverse neighborhoods, and create lasting memories in the vibrant atmosphere of San Francisco.


Yes, the clear skies and comfortable temperatures are ideal for a picnic.


 5 km/h from the northeast

No, there is no rain expected today.

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