Abhijeet Adhangale

If I start as a Electrical Engineer, where should I see myself after five years, given that I keep working in same field?

I am confused, so plz explain to me

by Abhijeet Adhangale
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RE: If I start as a Electrical Engineer, where should I see myself after five years, given that I keep working in same field?

Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar
Verified Career Expert
Counselor / Subject Matter Expert in Microbiology
  • Meerut

Dear friend, thanks for consulting careerguide.com if you work as an electric engineer for five or more years, you will be at better position. You can judge yourself, how hard you are working and how much you are motivated to progress in your career. In your question you have not mentioned, are you a student of electrical engineering or you are already employed.

  • The progress of an electrical engineer (EE) will depend upon your academic qualifications, your experience and whether you are working in government organization or private sector.
If you are MTech in EE, you will get higher entry level, compared to a simple graduate. An experienced person in relevant field will get better job. If you join a governmental organization, then the promotion is time bound, no matter how hard or better you work. If your career profile in government department is OK, then you will be promoted to senior electrical engineer or Executive engineer.

Electrical Engineer

  • On the other hand, in private sector, there is performance based appraisal. If you work hard and with dedication, you may get promotion before time.

  • Normally people change job quickly in private sector. This is done to grab a better position. But if someone is changing job very frequently then that goes against the person. if you want to make your career stable and progressive then you should stay in a particular job for 3-4 years. if you cannot see any progress or you are not having job satisfaction then better change the job as early as possible.

  • After getting a suitable and satisfying job, try to stay there for long time. Your performance will definitely reward you.

  • Never be in hurry to progress quickly, because success never come easily and there is no short cut for success.

  • You may start your career in Electric engineering in academics also, but minimum MTec (a post graduate) degree is required. A graduate cannot make entry into a good institution. In this field after five years you may become Senior Lecturer or Assistant professor (senior scale). If you further wish to make progress in your career, then you have do PhD in some specialization.

Being simply graduate in electrical engineering and working in a company for a job sake, will not take you away on a progressive path. Hard work and dedication is the key to success. Don't look what you will be after five years, just think of tomorrow.
Good Luck...

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