Patwari Syllabus 2023

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The Patwari exam is conducted by state governments to select candidates for the position of Patwari. Patwaris play a vital role in maintaining land records, assessing land revenue, and providing essential information to farmers and landowners. The syllabus for the Patwari exam generally includes subjects related to land revenue, land records, and general knowledge. Here is an article on patwari syllabus.

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

  1. Current Affairs: Questions related to current events, national and international news, and developments in various fields.
  2. Indian History and Culture: Topics related to Indian history, cultural heritage, and famous historical events and personalities.
  3. Geography: Knowledge about India’s geography, states, and physical features, including mountains, rivers, and important geographical facts.
  4. Indian Constitution: Understanding the basic principles of the Indian Constitution, its formation, and fundamental rights.
  5. Economy: Basics of the Indian economy, economic terms, and current economic issues.
  6. Science and Technology: General science topics, recent developments in science and technology, and basic scientific principles.
  7. Environmental Issues: Topics related to environmental conservation, pollution, and environmental laws.
  8. General Awareness: Miscellaneous topics like sports, awards, and honors, books and authors, and important national and international organizations.

patwari syllabus patwari syllabus patwari syllabus patwari syllabus patwari syllabus 

Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Number System: Understanding of integers, fractions, decimals, and basic mathematical operations.
  2. Percentage: Calculation of percentages and their applications.
  3. Ratio and Proportion: Solving problems related to ratios and proportions.
  4. Average: Calculation of averages in various contexts.
  5. Profit and Loss: Understanding of profit and loss concepts.
  6. Simple and Compound Interest: Calculation of interest in simple and compound forms.
  7. Time, Speed, and Distance: Problems related to time, speed, and distance calculations.
  8. Mensuration: Basic concepts of geometry and measurements.
  9. Data Interpretation: Reading and interpreting data from charts, graphs, and tables.

Reasoning Ability

  1. Analogies and Classification: Identifying similarities and differences between objects.
  2. Coding-Decoding: Deciphering coded messages or patterns.
  3. Number Series: Identifying numerical patterns and sequences.
  4. Blood Relations: Understanding family relationships.
  5. Alphabet Series: Recognizing patterns in alphabetical sequences.
  6. Syllogism: Drawing logical conclusions from given statements.
  7. Direction and Distance: Understanding directions and distances.
  8. Statement and Assumptions/Conclusions: Analyzing given statements to draw conclusions.

Computer Knowledge

  1. Basics of Computers: Basic computer hardware and software knowledge.
  2. Operating System: Familiarity with operating systems and their functions.
  3. Internet and Email: Basic internet concepts and email usage.
  4. MS Office: Basics of Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  5. Computer Networking: Understanding computer networks and their components.

General Hindi

  1. Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, and common Hindi words and phrases.
  2. Grammar: Understanding of Hindi grammar, including tenses, voice, and sentence formation.
  3. Comprehension: Reading comprehension and answering questions based on given passages.
  4. Idioms and Phrases: Familiarity with common Hindi idiomatic expressions.
  5. Translation: Basic translation exercises from Hindi to English and vice versa.

Patwari Syllabus FAQ

The Patwari exam is a government examination conducted in various states in India and Pakistan to recruit individuals for the position of Patwari. Patwaris are responsible for maintaining land records and collecting land revenue.

No, the Patwari syllabus is not the same in all states. Each state has its own syllabus, and the topics covered may vary depending on the specific land revenue and record-keeping practices of that state.


Common subjects in the Patwari syllabus typically include general knowledge, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, computer knowledge, general Hindi, and topics related to land revenue and land records.

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