Rohit Dubey

Why should we select law over other professions?

by Rohit Dubey
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RE: Why should we select law over other professions?

Surabhi Dewra
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Well, law forms a vital component in the successful integration of people; it can impress a person with its inbuilt readiness to change itself in accordance with society. One can choose law for this reason amongst several other reasons. One very convincible reason for choosing law is that with the power of knowing law a lawyer can practice law independently without having to listen to any boss and his earning capacity can be defined to ‘Sky’s Limit’, difference between legal profession and other professions.

Table Contents

1.  Overview of Law

2.  Top 10 Law Colleges In India

3.  Jobs After Law

4.  Select Law Over Other Professions

Law field it always challenging, may it be intellectually or otherwise, the way you work hard on and off the field and the various people you get to deal in your day to day work related activities, may it be police, judges , clients or their families, some of them may be innocent, harden criminals, habitual offenders or authoritative personalities. This is true in the case of a corporate law firm, a litigation firm, an attorney’s chamber, government office of a judge, law officer , public prosecutor or any other post or rank you are working in, a person in law field gets to work with an almost same set of people. Often the career in law gets challenging and sometimes adventurous.

Nonetheless, the field of law is certainly rewarding. This is so for various reasons, one might get to work in the field of charity, now a days there is a trend of opening Non-Governmental Organisation or work for the already existing organisation which most often takes up a social cause and works on it, for example working for the education of the children from poor families or working for the old age homes of the age old people having nobody to look after them. This field is rewarding in another sense when a person in law field undertakes the work of legal awareness or of providing free legal aid. You may also be asked by a court to be a legal officer in a particular case, in which court itself appoints a lawyer and pays for the work done in that particular case. difference between legal profession and other professions.

A lawyer also receives rewards when he takes part in any billion/million dollar deal going through lot of documentation, verifying, vetting, analysing and advising on various issues related to a particular deal, or perhaps sometimes small victories at court from taking adjournments to trying a case by examining and cross-examining witnesses, or may be by suggesting your colleague in winning his case to an extent of coming up with a new provision, idea or case law which helps the partner of the firm or your senior would give a great sense of victory which in turn gives you satisfaction. Regardless of anything else like your role, the amount of participation or the amount of hard work, a lawyer gets a feeling of accomplishing something by performing the given task or job or a case in its entirety by following high-level professional standards. Ultimately, what you see is the sign of relief that your client gets, a happy face getting out of troubles just because of you is all priceless, difference between legal profession and other professions.

Unlike other professions, you do not have to live with other person’s bossism; a lawyer can always have his own office and work independently. A lawyer can assign his cases to his colleagues or his juniors and takes off from the work in case of emergencies and urgencies. Another benefit of being a lawyer is since a lawyer knows all the laws, no one can fool him or repress him unjustly, a lawyer always has the power to fight for his own cause into the courts of law, without having to seek anybody’s help. That’s where we find the biggest advantage of this profession, imagine a situation where in you are a lawyer yourself and your family gets caught in legal cases, at such situation you yourself can fight such cases, by properly keeping track of it or get it done from your colleague if he is an expert on that matter.

As mentioned earlier, the beginning may be tough if its litigation but even that is made easier by litigation law firms, may require a lot of hard work and patience but most of the times people into law field get to earn very good pay, respect earned is all complementary. May it be a job of a lawyer, a public prosecutor, a judge, a legal associate, a partner, an owner of a firm or any other legal officer working for the government or for private sector he gets to earn handsome salary. There has also evolved a concept of LPOs in India which is becoming popular these days, LPO (Legal Process Outsourcing) is an organisation who hires law graduates to do work of some lawyers in other countries who have outsourced a part of their legal work and get paid very good salary, usually legal systems of UK and USA outsources their work. As it is said sky is the limit when it comes to earnings in legal field, because judges of high courts and supreme courts get paid very well next to the top executive officers of this country, although some of the famous lawyers at high court and supreme court earn more than the President and Prime Minister of India. Speaking of pay packages at firms it all depends upon the type of firm a lawyer is working for, which is, for example, good in case of corporate law firm and not so good in case of a firm dealing with legal aid work. If we look at top 20 best-paid careers in the UK we find a legal profession in that list. And if a graduate is from any of the top colleges in India or from National Law Schools, he/she may get packages which are way too better than the packages received by IT professionals , difference between legal profession and other professions.

Speaking about areas of interests, we can say that there is a vast variety of specialization available in this field. This gets very clear when a student gets to study subjects ranging from criminal law, environment law, contract law, international law, insurance law, property law, arbitration law, family law to any other subject of civil or criminal law. In short, a person get to study about everything man does or is concerned with because the ultimately human behavior is well regulated by laws rules and regulation and we have a law for anything and everything thus we study everything. This doesn’t mean that a lawyer has to study each and everything, most of the times lawyers have their particular field of specialization like a criminal lawyer, a contract lawyer, an insurance lawyer etc.

Thus if we look at this fascinating and all the more interesting field one will definitely get fond of working in this field. Failures here do not break a person but instead make a strong lawyer for they teach him not to commit those mistakes again to avoid failures, difference between legal profession and other professions.

Overview of Law

Law is a system of rules and regulations that are enforced by governments or other authoritative bodies to govern behavior and maintain order in society.
It encompasses a wide range of areas, including criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, international law, and more.

Criminal law deals with offenses against the state, such as murder, theft, and fraud.
The aim of criminal law is to punish offenders and deter others from committing similar crimes.
Civil law, on the other hand, deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, such as breach of contract or personal injury claims.

The goal of civil law is to provide a remedy for those who have been wronged and to ensure that justice is served.

Constitutional law relates to the fundamental principles and rules that govern the structure and operation of government, including the separation of powers, individual rights, and freedoms. It serves as the basis for the legal and political systems of many countries.

International law governs relations between states and other international actors.
It encompasses a range of issues, such as trade, human rights, and environmental law.
Its purpose is to promote peaceful relations between nations and ensure that states abide by certain rules and standards.

Law is enforced through a variety of mechanisms, including the police, courts, and other government agencies. The police investigate crimes and apprehend suspects, while the courts adjudicate cases and impose penalties on those found guilty.

Other government agencies, such as regulatory bodies and administrative tribunals, oversee compliance with laws and regulations in specific areas, such as healthcare or environmental protection.

Legal systems vary greatly around the world, with different countries and cultures placing varying levels of importance on individual rights, community values, and other factors. Common law systems, which rely on precedent and case law, are used in many English-speaking countries, while civil law systems, which are based on written codes, are used in many European and Latin American countries.
Other legal systems, such as Islamic law, exist in certain regions of the world, difference between legal profession and other professions.

In recent years, there have been many debates and discussions about the role of law in society , particularly with regard to issues such as human rights, social justice, and the protection of the environment.

Many legal scholars and practitioners are advocating for more inclusive and equitable legal systems that reflect the diversity and complexity of modern society.

In conclusion, law plays a critical role in maintaining social order and promoting justice in society. It encompasses a broad range of areas and is enforced through a variety of mechanisms. Legal systems vary greatly around the world, and there is ongoing debate about how best to ensure that the law serves the needs of all members of society, difference between legal profession and other professions.

Top 10 Law Colleges In India

India has a number of excellent law colleges that offer high-quality legal education and training. Here are ten of the top law colleges in India, in no particular order:

1.National Law School of India University, Bangalore

2. National Law University, Delhi

3.NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad

4.Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (Department of Law), Kharagpur

5.National Law University, Jodhpur

6.Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala

7.Symbiosis Law School, Pune

8. Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat

9.Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi

10.Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar

These law colleges are known for their excellent academic programs, distinguished faculty members, and opportunities for practical training and professional development.

In addition, many of them offer specialized courses in areas such as corporate law, intellectual property law, human rights law, and more.

However, it's important to note that there are many other excellent law colleges in India, and the choice of the right one depends on individual preferences and career goals, difference between legal profession and other professions.

Jobs After Law

There are a wide range of career options available for those who graduate with a law degree .

Some popular job opportunities after law are:

1.Lawyer/Advocate: Many law graduates choose to become a practicing lawyer or advocate .
They may work in law firms, corporate organizations, government agencies, or start their own practice.

2.Judge/Magistrate: Another popular career option after law is becoming a judge or magistrate . This typically requires several years of experience as a practicing lawyer, as well as passing a qualifying examination.

3.Corporate Counsel: Many corporations hire lawyers to provide legal advice and representation in matters such as contracts, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, and more.

4. Legal Analyst: Law graduates can also work as legal analysts for organizations such as consulting firms, banks, insurance companies, and more.
They may research and analyze legal issues, draft contracts, and provide legal advice.

5. Legal Journalist: Law graduates with strong writing skills can consider a career in legal journalism, working for newspapers, magazines, online media, and more.

6. Legal Researcher: Law graduates can also work as legal researchers in government agencies, non-profits, or think tanks. They may research and analyze legal issues and draft policy recommendations.

7.Academia: Many law graduates pursue a career in academia, becoming professors or researchers in law schools, universities, or think tanks.

These are just a few examples of the many career opportunities available after obtaining a law degree. The choice of career depends on individual preferences, skills, and interests. difference between legal profession and other professions.

Select Law Over Other Professions

Studying law can be a challenging and rewarding experience. It requires a lot of reading, writing, critical thinking, and analysis, as well as strong communication and advocacy skills . Law students learn about the legal system, various areas of law, such as criminal law, contract law, and property law, and how to apply legal principles to real-life situations. They also develop skills in legal research, writing, and drafting legal documents, such as contracts, pleadings, and briefs.

Working in the legal profession can also be very rewarding. Lawyers can make a positive impact on people's lives by helping them to resolve legal disputes, protect their rights, and advance their interests. They can work in various settings, such as law firms, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and corporations, and specialize in different areas of law, such as civil rights, environmental law, intellectual property law, and international law. Lawyers can also earn a good salary and have opportunities for professional growth and advancement. difference between legal profession and other professions.

However, studying law and working in the legal profession also have some challenges and drawbacks. Law school can be very expensive and time-consuming, and the legal profession can be very competitive and stressful. Lawyers often have to work long hours, meet tight deadlines, and deal with difficult clients and opponents. They also have to keep up with the constantly changing legal landscape and ethical standards.

Ultimately, whether you choose to pursue law or any other profession, it should be based on your personal interests, skills, values, and goals, and you should carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of each option, difference between legal profession and other professions.

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RE: Why should we select law over other professions?

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