
Why you need to have alternative career option while preparing for Competitive Exams

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RE:  Why you need to have alternative career option while preparing for Competitive Exams

Avadhut Desai
Avadhut Desai
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor / President at Foresight Foundation
  • Kolhapur


We come across about the references to the exams such as UPSC-CSE/IAS, UGC-NET/JRF, SSB, etc. These are all Competitive Exams and we are here to know the importance of alternative career options while preparing for such competitive exams. The very term Competition implies the meaning. We see everywhere, a competition and no one can escape it. Take any field and you will easily come to realize the facts that Competition is inevitable. Right from the school education to the career life and everything which come in-between, these phases is nothing but a competition. But despite this inevitable completion, you can really make it happen in your life regarding your career life if you take some necessary and informed decisions.


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What competitive is competitive

A Neck to neck competition in every field is a common scene everywhere. No field is actually spared but they are overwhelmed with huge competition. If you need to reach your goal there will be some kind of competition for sure, be it any entrance exam or the pursuance for getting a job in the good company, completion is a new norm. What generally happens you know when there are a few vacancies or the seats to be filled up and the claims for these vacancies are too high then competing every other person is needed only to be in the list of chosen few. It happens in India – it happens everywhere!

Current status of the Competitive Exams

In India specially to be mentioned, Competitive exams have become a new hype. Everyone seems busy preparing for a couple of competitive exams in his or her academic and career life. It starts from right after school education when you prepare for various entrance exams like JEE, CAT, UGC-NET and SET to the various government exams like UPSC-CSE/IAS, CDS, NDA, SSB-CGL, IBPS and other such exams where government conducts exams. Lakhs of aspirants apply for these exams while there remain only very less number of vacancies. If we specifically talk about the UPSC-CSE then you must know that there will be only around thousand or even fewer seats available and the aspirants will be more than five lakhs. This is the real picture for every such entrance and competitive exams where you must prove yourself better comparatively to grab the desired seat eventually.


Need of Alternative Career Option: B-Plan is a must

Going for only e predetermined path is good but it may have some setbacks and this is general one a situation. Owing to the very competition, obviously, everyone appearing for any exam or Interview will not be selected and that is the very reason why we insist you to have alternative career option as a B-Plan. This, an alternative career option should be seen as security and not as escapism because the very uncertainty in any competition may harm you in long run. Pursuing a single thing if not goes according to the plan may create helplessness. Any goal if not backed up properly by the possible alternative career options proves devastating sometimes as many factors matter – Age, Recourses, efforts, etc, to name a few. You might be having many responsibilities and to be on right track on right time you should have B-Plan so that there will be no any adverse consequences and everything will go in tandem.

Few things you must be aware of

There must be some kind of awareness about a few things while preparing for the competitive exam. Few things given bellow will help you.

  • Think beyond the fixed paths: Competition is inevitable but you must think beyond any particular exam. Exam is not everything there are many things where you can excel in
  • Have alternative career options: While preparing for Competitive exams like UPSC-CSE/IAS and other such exams you must prepare yourself for alternative career option simultaneously.
  • Try hands on other similar fields: If you have already decided any particular field or any particular position as your dream job then there is no wrong in dedicating your whole efforts put for it but you must let yourself try hands on other similar jobs so that there will be no space for frustration.
  • Give it a try: Let yourself try more than once and make sure that you are putting your best in place. Don’t be impatient.
  • Be Social: It's good having isolation for some period of time as it will help you recoup yourself and learn thing faster but it’s not for long period and you must be social enough.
  • Let your hobbies get your attention: Apart from the daily routine and the busy schedule in pursuance of career goals you should keep your hobbies. The hobbies help be cool and relaxed which gives you more strength and a new vigor.

What we discussed just above is but a fact and everyone must be aware of to set well in any career at the earliest possible time. Focus on the goal and achieve it but if something goes wrong then have your hands tried on the B-Plan or alternative career option. Students preparing for public sector competitive exams should keep themselves prepared for doing the available job in private sector. This seems logical and apt too. The only purpose is to be secure early.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!

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RE:  Why you need to have alternative career option while preparing for Competitive Exams

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