Shobhit Verma Career Expert

Shobhit Verma

Assistant Professor at GRKIST

Shobhit Verma

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About Shobhit Verma

Shobhit Verma is an Assistant Professor at Takshila Institute of Science and Technology, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) one of the best engineering colleges of India. He has done B.E in Electronics and communication. Also, did his M.Tech in Digital Communication from SRIT. He believes in learning and accepting challenges especially in the area of teaching and training and loves to impart the same in the most creative and adaptable way that can leave a lasting impression on the heart and mind of all the learners.

Apart from teaching he motivates and guide students with pleasure in their career choice, career planning and other aims, since last several years on a very regular basis. He is also an active member of NGO “Anandsankalp” working for providing food, education, health, blood donation for poor and needy people.

Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , is a career counsellor based at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh area. View all career counsellors from Jabalpur


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Listen payal.......i want you to know first that All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) was set-up in November 1945 as a national level Apex Advisory Body to conduct survey on the facilities on technical education.It means it is a standard body which looks after the technical education in our country.If the course or technical college is not recognized by AICTE...Then at the time of any campus or interview will be given less preference than anyone who passed or have done any technical course from AICTE affiliated college........Even many public sector undertakings also write

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on January 23, 2015

Hello is good to know that at least you know your problem that is "you are unable to sort out your strength and weakness"....but i think this is one of your strength that you are trying to solve your problems that is positive attitude.Now here are few methods which may help you...(1) you can take a pen and a piece of paper sit at your room ,divide the page in two half and honestly like a neutral or third person try to write your strengths and weakness in two columns .Here the most important thing is that " You write on that paper like you are writing strengths and weakness of

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on January 23, 2015

Hello,i will  reply to your querries very.... soon...........take care ..........and keep your confidence high........

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

Listen payal.......i want you to know first that All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) was set-up in November 1945 as a national level Apex Advisory Body to conduct survey on the facilities on technical education.It means it is a standard body which looks after the technical education in our country.If the course or technical college is not recognized by AICTE...Then at the time of any campus or interview will be given less preference than anyone who passed or have done any technical course from AICTE affiliated college........Even many public sector undertakings also write

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

HiFirst of all , i whould like to congratulate you for showing such an  improvement in academics.Now most of the PSU conducts there enterence test and on the basis of the result they call the candidates for interview.If the PSU is considering 10 th ,12 th ,BE percentage then at the time of advertisement for the post ,they will definetly notify that candidates below this much percentage need not apply.But if this is not mentioned it means the only criteria is that how much marks you score in the test conducted by them .After declearation of the result they prepare  a merit list and ca

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

HiBefore discussing this issue i want to say that both are good branches and each have it's individual benefits and hence there is not much sense of making any comparison.Although if it comes to the comparison I can say that (1)Computer science is an individual branch  ( or core branch ) and as far as  Information technology is concerned  it was  basically formed  with the  combination of Computer Science and Electronics and communication branch.(2)And if i am allowed to make a bold statement then i will say at the time of recession (during  downfall

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

HiThere is nothing to worry about while doing MBA directly after completing BE.If you are able to take admission in good college then it's said to be a deadly combination.And if you decide to go for job first then afterwards you will be having two  options either to continue job and go for executive/part time  MBA  or leave the job and then go for higher studies.This is not applicable to all but many people find it difficult to leave the job (as a fix  earning source will be blocked)and go for higher studies.Anyways it depends from person to person but according to me i

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

Hi,Both regular and distance learning process are important in their respective means. Let  us  first  consider  distance learning(1)If one is facing financial difficulties then it is always better to continue job along with correspondence or part time MBA / M.Tech course.You can say "Earn while you learn".(2)Also while  continuing job one can gain experience while enhancing his knowledge and qualification.(3)BUT REMEMBER going for Distance learning without continuing job is not of much importance most of the time.(4) less probability to appear in Campus inte

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

HiThis discussion can be more elaborate if you can tell me in which branch of you are studying in.Furthur i think you must try to identify the area of  interest that is in which field you want to excel.You can continue to work in the field related to your branch in or you  can change the field by opting for various coures in different domains.You can also go for higher studies that is for post graduation.This discussion was general and it will be more specific if you can tell me the details related to your branch.feel free to contact me and best wishes for future.

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014

Hi Wherever you go the only thing that matters most in terms of job hunt is your knowledge but there are some facts which you must understand Such as The first thing that reaches the recruiter is your resume.And if you had obtain your degree from reputed university then an impression is carried out that person must be very knowledgeable. What   I  want to say  is that  at first instant degree catches the attention but at the end of the day the thing which really matters is your knowledge (i.e once you sit in front of interviewer). Sometimes it may happen that your

Answered by: Shobhit Verma, Assistant Professor at GRKIST , on July 09, 2014