Everything about you needs to know JEE Mains

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The JEE entrance examination is the mode for getting admission into various undergraduate, postgraduate and professional degree courses. After the 12th class, students do not know much about their careers. There are various types of entrance exams. Although there are many examinations at the state level for taking admission in engineering. JEE (joint entrance exam) is one of the national level exams. In this article we will tell you all about jee exam.

There are two parts to the JEE: JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main is the first stage of the examination and is open to all students. The top 2,50,000 students from JEE Main qualify for JEE Advanced, which is the second and final stage of the examination.

What is JEE exam ?

JEE Main is a computer-based test (CBT) that consists of multiple choice questions (MCQs) in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. JEE Advanced is also a CBT and consists of two papers, each of which also consists of MCQs in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.