A Guide To Journalism

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Considered the 4th pillar of democracy, journalism has earned its respect in our country since British India. To appreciate and call out on activities across the country, journalist worked day and night and be a watchdog. They are the messengers of a country, who ensure the delivery of the news to citizens of a country. Over the years, this field has received criticism due to the malfunctioning of the system and, priorities given to PR activities and advertisements. Hence there is a need for a good and passionate journalist who can bring back the respect the field once had. This article aims to guide you through the steps of becoming a journalist.


A journalist needs to be a person who has good knowledge about the type of journalism they wish to get into. For example, if you are interested in Business writings, then the best path of education will be to complete your bachelor’s from a commerce field. Not only, will you be familiar with the jargon of the business, but also it would tell how and when an idea can be converted into a story. Once you finish your bachelor’s in the respective areas, do a master’s in journalism. There are options for media studies at the graduation level too. Either way, you can make a good start in media.


The following are a set of skills you must have as a journalist.

  • Curiosity: No news article can be effective or complete without answering the 5Ws and 1H (what, when, why, who, where, how). For example- If the government passes a rule, you need not repost what the rule is, but question why was it introduced, its pros and cons, how effective it will be, and so on.
  • Midnight oil: Keep a bag ready as you are about to be called at odd hours of the day. A reporter doesn’t have a 9-5 job.
  • ABC: Accuracy, Brevity, and Clarity are the ABCs of Journalism. Practicing can help to survive the digital era.
  • Knowledge: Read and research are your go-to options for effective writing. It helps you look for angles while writing a story.
  • Communication: You will meet people daily. Some of them could be a good source for your article. Hence having good communication skills is a must.


Reporting can be for hard news such as Political, sports, business, crime or soft news entertainment, lifestyle, etc. Every journalist is a detective. Investigative journalism is popular yet the most dangerous style of working. It has helped us expose several scams in India. The most appreciated one being the scam of 1992.

Journalism has 3 mediums: Print, Broadcast, and online.


  • Reporter: their full-time job is to investigate and report incidents around the world.
  • Liners and stringers: Freelance journalists, paid for every line or paragraph they write. Photojournalists and videographers can also be freelancers.  
  • Correspondents: They focus on a particular area of a journalist, such as sport or crime. They find and write reports only for that topic.
  • Editors: Reports are often sent to them to correct grammar and writing as per the style sheet. Sub-editors work under them.
  • Anchor: They belong to broadcast media. Telling the news through TV or videos is for a better understanding of people.
  • Public relations: Their job is to maintain an image of a company and make sure the marketing goes well.


As a journalist, you have responsibilities to adhere to. They are not only towards your country but towards your audience too. Plagiarism shall be your greatest enemy. You are supposed to focus on giving out the truth and not serve as Public relations personnel to any individual or political party. Have valid sources and ensure their safety especially, in case of anonymity. Journalism is not about money. The best example of a good journalist right now is Faye D’Souza. Follow her work to understand the pointer of good journalism.

Journalism is one of the most adventurous fields to work for only if you are passionate, curious, and willing to tell the truth to the world.

: By – Neha Pandey

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