Confused about a career? Why not one of these

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While life till school life goes pretty much the same for everyone, academic wise, the big question that everyone faces is, what should they do once school finishes? The choices are many and choosing the right one can be a hard thing to do. While choosing a career option depends on the individual’s abilities and interests, most individuals aren’t that well aware of the requirements and skills. The student will need to pursue various career options. Through this article, we will try to clear career option for confused students doubts by suggesting a handful of career options that we found might be helpful for you to choose your career from as we throw light on its various prospects like selection process, salary, work you will have to do and approach you should have to pursue them. With that said let’s dive in. Hence students are Confused about a career? Here are various career option for confused students:


India makes over 15 lakh engineers each year, so why not you. while getting into IITs is still as difficult as it used to be, but the opening of more institutes under the IIT banner introducing more seats, have made it a little easier. All you have to get in there is to take the JEE main exam conducted by the government each year twice. Even if you don’t make it to an IIT, there are a number of NITs that offer at par placement with IITs or in some cases even better than them. Then there are a number of regional state colleges in both government and private entities that accept JEE Main score for admission. Confused about a career other than this some institutes like SRM, VIT, amity, BITS (to name a few) conduct their own exams for taking admissions.

Once selected you can choose from a wide variety of sub-streams like computers, mining, civil, mechanical, biotechnology, electricals, aerospace, and many more. The salary varies depending on your field of expertise and can go on the higher side of lakhs if you know your way around the PC.


Love people and want to help them get better, then medical is the field for you. with the new regulations, you no longer need to take biology in junior college (11th and 12th) to give the central medical exams of NEET and AIIMs but you will need to qualify it in order to get into one of the medical colleges. The results are now given in the form of percentile and the higher is your percentile the more likely are your chances to grab MBBS in a top medical college.

The colleges present are of both government and private ownership and both provide excellent opportunities to their students. After completing your MBBS, you will have to give NEET again in order to do your specialization, but many private medical colleges also offer students a chance to move from MBBS to PG directly without any additional test, based on their MBBS scores. The average salary is as high as 30 lakhs in the private sector and more depending upon your specialization.


You want to fight for the right, for justice, then there is no better profession than this. While degrees like engineering and doctorate have an age restriction on them, law does not. You can follow your passion for law by doing a 3 year LLB course after graduation in any field. To get your law degree from central law universities you will have to give CLAT and qualify it to be eligible. Other than the NLUs, a number of private universities offer LLB courses and their selection is either based on a simple test or on your college CGPA.

For freshers after 12th, the process remains the same except, in order to pursue LLB, they first have to do a honors course, which is done from the same NLU or law college they selected after qualifying CLAT. If you choose to work individually your income will depend on your clients and cases while you can also choose to work for an organization as a legal consultant and your salary can go up to many lakhs or more.


Have a zeal to serve your nation without getting into the mess of politics, then the Indian Army is waiting just for you. While many fear that they don’t have the physical capabilities to qualify, it’s a sort of misconception that you can’t make it to the army without it. For freshers applying for NDA, The selection processes are based on three parameters, first, you have to qualify for a written test based on logical reasoning, maths, and aptitude. Then you undergo an interview round to test your thinking and social skills and then comes the medical round and physical round and only the combined score of all is used to select you.

While working professionals too can apply to follow their profession in the army, like a mechanical engineer can be a mechanical engineer in the army. They too follow the same process as NDA. The salary graph might seem a little less than a regular engineer, but what is that in front of serving your nation.


You think you like solving doubts, have the capacity to teach others. Then it’s time to pack up your bundle of books and get yourself to classes again. Teaching is nowadays one of the highest paying jobs with packages going as high as over 10 crores for a year, with tenures, meaning you have a high income with a job guarantee. In order to become a teacher in a school, you will have to get certified by the government through a test, while colleges and universities usually prefer Phds to handle their complex curriculum.

Charted accountant

Know your way around the billing system, and love to find loopholes then welcome to the world of a CA. The companies usually spend a lumpsum amount on their CAs to avoid them from getting poached by other organizations, with the good packages in excess of 10 lakhs, not a hard thing to find. It is one of the most reputed branches in the commerce field and so is tougher than others. In order to be a certified charted accountant in India you will have to clear four stages of the exam beginning with CA foundation, then after 9 months CA intermediate then 100 hours of article ship training, and then the all-important CA finals. while the course is vast and the exam a bit tricky to crack, it all makes it worthy to give it a hard effort trying to become a CA.


You feel you want to build this nation into a better one then get aboard the civil services train. While becoming an IAS\IPS insures you a life long guarantee of a job and a good retirement, becoming one can be a very tricky business to deal with, as it is one of the most highly sought after jobs with people preparing for years to clear its exam. It’s separated into three stages, with two written stages based on GK, maths, English and a subject of your choice, and a much difficult interview round. But when so many others can become it why can’t you, all you have to do is give it a hard try.


You think that working for others is far inferior to working for yourself, then you might have a businessman in you. Your income will depend on how much you work and how smart you do that. While a businessman can be a normal shop owner or an entrepreneur opening his tech company. But being a businessman has its own challenges as you will have to work hardest amongst all, as you will be the leader of your boat. Knowing market tactics is important as well and so is knowing how to deal with customers. It might not require any academic achievements but requires many other skills to work out fine.

Merchant navy

Want to be sailing around in a ship while doing your job then it’s time to join the merchant forces. Some colleges offer courses that will help you become a Navy officer and requires no other academic needs apart from your high school scores. The salary too is high with over a lakh a month being the average and the selection process is too pretty similar to the NDA exam in ways with the exams called AIMNET.


You want to fly the skies, then being a pilot is an important step on the path. You can either choose to join the Indian airforce and become an airforce pilot and after the requirement chooses to pursue commercial flying. People prefer this method as it is cheaper, but if you have some bucks in your pocket, then you can choose to join a flying school and after completing a certain number of flying hours, you can get your commercial license. the salary for a man with 100s of lives in him is bound to be high with monthly packages in lakhs and many perks from the airline, including free tickets for your family, not a bad career option for confused students huh.

But remember whatever you choose as a career option for confused students you will have to give it 100% to be successful. We wish you all the best for your journey ahead in life and hope you achieve everything you want to.

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