IIM Sambalpur Placements, Recruiters, Packages

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Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur (IIM Sambalpur) is a public business school located in Sambalpur, Odisha, India. It was established in 2015 and is the 13th Indian Institute of Management.

IIM Sambalpur has been consistently achieving 100% placement for its MBA students in the past few years. The average salary has also been increasing steadily, reaching Rs. 16.64 LPA in the 2021-23 batch.

IIM Sambalpur is a young IIM, but it has quickly established itself as a top MBA school in India. The placement record is a testament to the quality of education and the strong industry connect of the institute.The placement record of IIM Sambalpur is very impressive, and it is a good option for students who are looking for a top MBA education in India.

IIM Sambalpur Placements

Here are some of the factors that contributed to the strong placement of IIM Sambalpur in 2023:

    • The institute’s focus on quality education: IIM Sambalpur has a strong focus on providing quality education to its students. The institute has a well-qualified faculty and a rigorous curriculum.
    • The institute’s strong industry connect: It has a strong industry connect. The institute has a dedicated placement cell that works closely with companies to ensure that students get the best possible opportunities.
    • The institute’s focus on diversity: IIM is committed to diversity. The institute has a diverse student body, which helps to prepare students for the global workplace.
    • The institute’s focus on experiential learning: IIM believes in experiential learning. The institute offers a variety of opportunities for students to gain practical experience, such as internships and case competitions.

Factors for strong placement

  • Rising number of companies visiting the campus for recruitment: The number of companies visiting IIM for recruitment increased by over 30% in 2023. This was due to the growing reputation of the institute and the quality of its students.
  • Increased average and median salaries: The average salary offered to IIM students in 2023 was INR 16.63 lakhs, while the median salary was INR 16 lakhs. This was a significant increase from the previous year’s average salary of INR 13.2 lakhs.
  • More female students getting placed: The number of female students getting placed at IIM increased in 2023. The average salary for female students was INR 18.25 lakhs, which was higher than the average salary for male students.
  • Increased number of international placements: The number of international placements from IIM Sambalpur also increased in 2023. The highest international package offered was INR 64.15 lakhs.
  • Strong presence of top recruiters: The top recruiters at IIM in 2023 included Microsoft, Amazon, Accenture, Cognizant, ICICI, Cummins, Bosch, and Deloitte. These companies offered a variety of roles to IIM Sambalpur students, including consulting, marketing, finance, and operations.

Placement Process of IIM Sambalpur

  • Pre-Placement Talks (PPTs): Companies visit the campus to give presentations about their organization, job roles, and expectations from prospective candidates.
  • Resume Submission: Students submit their resumes to the Placement Committee, which acts as an intermediary between students and recruiters.
  • Shortlisting: Companies shortlist candidates based on their resumes and academic performance.
  • Group Discussions (GD): Some companies conduct group discussions to assess candidates’ communication and leadership skills.
  • Personal Interviews (PI): Shortlisted candidates are interviewed by company representatives to evaluate their suitability for specific roles.
  • Final Offers: Companies extend job offers to selected candidates, specifying details like salary, job role, and location.
  • Acceptance and Rejection: Students have the option to accept or reject job offers based on their preferences and career goals.
  • Placement Committee Support: The Placement Committee provides guidance and support to students throughout the process, helping them make informed decisions.
  • Internship Placements: Apart from final placements, IIM Sambalpur also assists students in securing internships during their course.
  • Continuous Career Counseling: Career counseling sessions and workshops are conducted to help students make informed career choices.

Top Recruiters at IIM Sambalpur

  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • Accenture
  • Cognizant
  • ICICI Bank
  • Cummins
  • Bosch
  • Deloitte
  • Adani
  • Vedanta
  • Tolaram

Placement of IIM Sambalpur

ParticularsStatistics (2022)Statistics (2023)
Total students250280
Companies participated150200
Offers made225270
Placement percentage90%96%

Packages of IIM Sambalpur

BranchHighest Package (LPA)Average Package (LPA)Lowest Package (LPA)
Human Resources58.0017.2310.00
General Management60.0017.3311.00

Frequently Asked Questions

The full name of the institution is the “Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur.”

IIM Sambalpur is located in Sambalpur, Odisha, India.

IIM Sambalpur primarily offers two-year Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Management. It may also offer executive and doctoral programs.

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