Top 7 Universities in Australia

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Since the late 18th century, Australia has been influenced by British, Celtic, and U.S. culture. In recent decades, however, immigration from non-English-speaking nations – primarily from Asia – has altered the nation’s demographic profile and influenced its popular culture. Australia made its position in the 2020 list as the world’s most liveable places and the first choice of students planning to study abroad, after the pandemic hit the world globally and removed European countries from the list. Here is the list of the top 7 universities in Australia.

University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne has one of the highest admission requirements in the country the University of Melbourne is a public research university located in Melbourne, Australia. Founded in 1853, it is Australia’s second oldest university and the oldest in Victoria. The university has three other campuses in metropolitan Melbourne at Burnley, Southbank, and Werribee.

Monash University

Monash University is a public research university based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Named for prominent World War I general Sir John Monash, it was founded in 1958 and is the second oldest university in the state. Monash is consistently ranked among the world’s top 55–70 universities in the QS World University Rankings.

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University of Sydney


The QS World University Rankings ranked the University of Sydney as one of the world’s top 25 universities for academic reputation, and top 5 in the world, and the first in Australia for graduate employability. The main campus has been ranked in the top 10 of the world’s most beautiful universities.How to do B.Ed after BCA.

University of New South Wales

The University of New South Wales is the second-largest university in Wales in terms of its student numbers and offers around 200 undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The university has three main faculties across its campuses in South Wales. In 2017, the university entered the top five percent of universities in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

study abroad in Australia, University of New South Wales

University of Queensland

The University of Queensland offers Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral, and Higher Doctorate degrees through a college, a graduate school, and six faculties.UQ is ranked 36th in the world by the 2021 US News Global Ranking. Queensland has a strong research focus in Science, Medicine, and Technology. UQ Sport offers a wide range of sport, fitness, and recreation opportunities

University of New South Wales

The University of New South Wales is the second-largest university in Wales in terms of its student numbers and offers around 200 undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The university has three main faculties across its campuses in South Wales. In 2017, the university entered the top five percent of universities in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

study abroad in Australia, top Universities in Australia, University of Adelaide

University of Technology Sydney

The University of Technology Sydney is regarded as one of the world’s leading young universities (under 50 years old), ranked 1st in Australia and 11th in the world by the 2021 QS World University Rankings. The UTS City campus is located at the southern border of Sydney’s central business district. Admissions are highly competitive with an offer rate of 19%.

By- Richa Shree

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