ANTHE Exam: Eligibility, Syllabus, Fees, Dates

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The Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam (ANTHE) is a national-level scholarship exam conducted by Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL). It is a competitive exam open to students of classes VI to XII who are aspiring to become doctors or engineers. The ANTHE exam is conducted in both online and offline mode.



The ANTHE exam is a great opportunity for students who are aspiring to become doctors or engineers. It is a competitive exam, but with proper preparation, students can do well in the exam and avail the benefits offered.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the ANTHE exam, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an Indian national.
  • Be enrolled in a school accredited by any state, centre, or ICSE board and be in the VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, or XII grade.

Exam Pattern

Mode of Exam
Total Questions
Total Marks
Negative Marking
7 & 8Online/Offline90 minutes3590No
9 & 10Online/Offline90 minutes3590No
11 & 12Online/Offline120 minutes40120No

Application Process

To apply for the ANTHE exam, students can register online or offline.

Online Registration

To register online, students must visit the ANTHE website and create an account. Once they have created an account, they can fill out the online registration form and submit it.

Offline Registration

To register offline, students must download the registration form from the ANTHE website and fill it out. They must then submit the form to the nearest Aakash Institute center along with the required documents.

Important Dates

The ANTHE exam is typically held in December each year. The exact dates are announced on the ANTHE website a few months before the exam.


The ANTHE exam syllabus is designed to test students’ knowledge of the following subjects:

The syllabus is based on the curriculum taught in class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII, as applicable.

Important Dates

ANTHE Exam Dates
Exam Dates
OnlineClass VII to XII7th October to 15th October 2023
OfflineClass VII to XII8th October & 15th October 2023

Tips for  Exam Preparation

Know the syllabus and exam design. The primary step in planning for any exam is to get it the syllabus and exam pattern. This will assist you distinguish the vital subjects and center your considers in like manner. The ANTHE syllabus is accessible on the Aakash Founded site.
Make a ponder arrange. Once you know the syllabus and exam pattern, make a ponder arrange that will assist you cover all the points in time. Your consider arrange ought to include a blend of learning modern concepts, practicing questions, and reexamining what you’ve got as of now learned.
Utilize great quality think about materials. There are numerous distinctive think about materials accessible for the ANTHE, such as course readings, reference books, and hone papers. Select ponder materials that are well-written and comprehensive.
Center on understanding the concepts. It is imperative to understand the concepts behind the themes within the syllabus, not fair memorize facts and figures. This will assist you reply questions precisely, indeed in the event that they are inquired in a diverse way.
Hone frequently. perfect way”>The most ideal way to plan for an exam is to hone frequently. This will assist you move forward your speed and accuracy, conjointly distinguish any zones where you would like more work.
Take deride tests. Deride tests are a awesome way to recreate the genuine exam encounter. They will assist you get utilized to the arrange of the exam and the sorts of questions that are inquired.


ANTHE Exam Fees
OnlineClass VII to XIIFree
OfflineClass VII to XII₹100


A: ANTHE stands for Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam. It is a national level scholarship exam conducted by Aakash Institute for students in classes VII to XII. ANTHE offers scholarships of up to 100% on Aakash’s medical and engineering preparation courses.

A: All Indian nationals currently studying in classes VII to XII are eligible to take the ANTHE exam. There is no age limit for the exam.

A: The best way to prepare for the ANTHE exam is to study the NCERT syllabus for your class. Aakash also provides a variety of study materials and practice tests to help students prepare for the exam.

A: ANTHE results are usually released within two weeks of the exam date. Students can check their results online by logging into their Aakash account.

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