Hot Business Careers for the 2020s

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Are you exploring career fields that offer long-term financial and professional growth? Even in a down economy, there are plenty of them. Some of the best are in finance and accounting, two closely related fields that have always been a favorite for jobseekers who want good pay and upward mobility in the corporate world. Right now, accountancy grads can pick from hundreds of positions with organizations of all sizes and in many different industries. Another red-hot job area is within the fast-paced transport industry as a fleet management professional. In high-tech firms, there’s always a need for skilled, educated sales operatives. Rounding out the top slots for new workers are website design, securities brokerage, and site testing. Here’s more about each career field.

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For more than a century, trained accountants have been able to find jobs that paid well and offered clear career paths. One of the major advantages of the specialty is that skilled accountants can work in any industry they choose because every company must manage incoming revenue. Those who do best either major in the subject during college or specialize in it while earning master’s degrees. To obtain designation as a CPA (certified public accountant), expect to study an additional year before sitting for a grueling two-day written examination.

Managing Vehicle Fleets

The fleet management niche is exploding in both popularity and career opportunities. It’s actually a sub-division of the logistics field, which deals with all movement of goods from their point of production to end-users. Prospective managers should have some college background in general business but not necessarily a degree. One of the central roles of fleet management is the maintenance function, which candidates should study before interviewing with potential employers. Fleet systems can minimize downtime so that companies are able to operate at peak efficiency. Plus, algorithmic programs that monitor truck maintenance reduce the number of collisions and prevent the need for on-the-road repairs.

Technical Sales

The entire IT sector is growing so fast that it’s hard to keep track of all the new companies, products, and services each season. One of the benefits for young workers is that there are thousands of high-level sales positions open at any given time. The catch is that you need the right background and training. Fortunately, a year or two in an entry-level position with an IT corporation can meet that requirement.

Website Design

Independent minded people who want to become entrepreneurs, work from home, and learn as they earn often choose to design websites for a living. Demand for the service is high enough to sustain new entrants, and there are multiple ways to acquire the critical skills for the trade. However, a college degree in IT or a related subject is the quickest path to the top.

Securities Brokerage

Study for and pass the Series 07 examination, and you can explore careers in the stock market like working for a licensed brokerage agency. Most companies want college grads, but they’ll usually consider hard working candidates who demonstrate an aptitude for math and possess high-level people skills. To maximize your chances of landing an excellent position with a major brokerage firm, consider learning to trade online for your own account to become familiar with the niche.

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