All about hostel life of students staying away from home

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The typical dull dark boring life with the only aim to make it shine and comfortable, is the perfect definition of the life of a student. The student’s life may sound very common and grey to the world, but it does include a rollercoaster ride through emotions, edges, aspirations and depression. It may sound very easy to the world for whom students are that section who have one aim in life, make and train themselves to their fullest to become the future pillars pf the society.

Therefore they do concentrate on the starting and the supposed finishing line, what they miss to notice and consider is the process of covering the distance. Its tough and greasy. Our typical society do believe in the words of Beverly Hills, “there are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” Students are taught to be patient hardworking and farsighted, running in the race called life.

It may sound questioning, but the fact is, although the term student remains the same, the meaning of the term has changed completely within the past decades. Earlier a student was someone who learns, whatever the subject is, whatever the field is, knowledge was always considered the biggest treasure a student could have found in his learning process, that counted as his success. But now the world has changed its view and grounds. The most common definition of success in a student’s life is wealth and position. The most common dream of most of the students is to get a job, high salary, big house, expensive car and a high position in the society. With a changed world comes a changed process. Therefore the complications that a student must face, the competitions he has to face is not simple. That is the reason it has become so important to talk about a healthy student life and the problems they face I order to come up with a useful solution. 

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A student often lives a planned-out life. A number of given hours for school, extracurricular activities and extra credits. Most of the things are planned in order to keep them in a disciplined boundary. All this is done to behold the focus they are taught to have for their future. But nowadays the whole system of creating a routine and a planned schedule has gone over the top. The most common problem the students are seen suffering from is a stuffed schedule. Parents are so busy decorating their kid’s CVs with all kinds of credits that they forget to spare them time to entertain themselves or keep themselves mentally healthy.

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 A dozen tuition classes and a truckload of extra lessons, be it Spanish or ballet, be it swimming or painting, extracurriculars have too become bricks that are continuously stuffing the students making it hard to survive. As a result most of the students do suffer from a lot of mental issues like anxiety and depression. The constant comparisons and fear of failure prevents them from taking a break and keep themselves healthy both mentally and physically. This kind of problems are very common amongst school students too.

Anxiety And Depression

Nowadays parents seem to have found the perfect medicine for imposing discipline in the lives of their kids. Sending them to hostels seem to be one of the most common options for parents these days. This can prove to be quite useful; the fixed schedule and time management system can actually help a student. The fixed time for meals and a particular sleeping pattern can also help to keep the students physically fit and healthy. Hostels can also help increase the interaction ability and social skills in a student which is a very important lesson in life.

Many also develop leadership skills and cooperation skills from their experiences during hostel life. There are caretakers who are called wardens who can be very strict and demanding. As soon as the common alarm rings you must get up, stand in long queues to get a shower, dine in long common dining tables, attend scheduled classes and finally get back to room and sleep as soon as its time to turn the lights off. Sometimes even the outside activities are planned out. Life therefore automatically comes within a given routine. 

Time Manage

As beautiful and strict as it sounds, the dark side is equally concerning. Many students seem to give up midway, they are seriously affected by the robotic lifestyle and finds it hard to survive emotionally. The absence of parents or close relatives has also been proved to make a student often feel lonely and scared. The extremely strict environment often blocks out the student’s creative thinking and push themselves in the direction of the common flow. It can also affect the student’s physical health sometimes. Moreover bullying has been one of the most common issues which still stand as a serious challenge in hostel life. The increasing rates of drug intake and suicides has also been a serious issue the society is facing which stands straight and bold as the biggest mockery to the education and the hostel system. 

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By: Srija Dutta

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